I keep getting an error `You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.` even though my account has sufficient credits

I have had the same issue since yesterday. I ended up adding $200 to my account, still getting the same error. the documentation leads you to believe adding more $ will fix it. super frustrating.

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I made my payment at 9:31pm CST yesterday and I’m having the same issue.


I’ve got the same issue as well. Which sucks. I’ve changed my API key, double checked and upgraded my limit, re-inserted my billing method, made sure to update my billing address and none of it fixed anything. The account is a few months old AND was working just yesterday.

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so, you’ve had sufficient funds in the last few days?

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I have at least, I have been actively using API just fine until today.


Creating a new API key worked for me. All previously made API keys were responding with 429 error code, even after topping up. Try making new keys and replacing your existing ones. Hope it helps!


I’ve tried, that doesn’t work for me either unfortunately.


OpenAI acknowledged and is investigating the issue. Hopefully, it’s fixed soon.

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I noticed they’ve removed this issue form the Status Page, but I’m still having this issue.

Are others still having this problem?

Status Page: https://status.openai.com/


It works for me now! Try again now, everyone.

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I’m having the same problem. I should have about $20 available. Just purchased and can’t use them. Is there a waiting period I’m not familiar with?


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It just started working for me.

I tested it in the playground to verify it was an account/billing issue. Once the Playground worked, I was able to start using the API.

Hey folks! I was tracking and replying in this thread: Probable OpenAI Bug: Insufficient Quota Error on Paid Account with Available Balance - #71 by logankilpatrick the issue has since been resolved, thanks for hanging in there with us.