I have a question about the Assistant API.(old thread dispose?)

I have a question about the Assistant API.
I am attempting to conduct document searches using the Assistant API.
When initializing or starting a new document search, I create a new thread to obtain the results.
This leads me to some questions:

  1. Is it necessary to dispose of the thread? There are no such functions in the API!
  2. Is there any charge for the message area of a thread I no longer use?
  3. When are unused threads organized and cleared?
    I am not proficient in English, so I would appreciate a straightforward explanation.
    If there is already a similar question, please direct me to the answer.

In answer to #3:

Currently, OpenAI lists that messages and threads are stored for 60 days, but they include this note:

For the Assistants API, we are still evaluating the default retention period during the Beta. We expect that the default retention period will be stable after the end of the Beta.

  1. Is it necessary to dispose of the thread? There are no such functions in the API!

You can delete thread as long a you know the thread id. See reference page.

  1. Is there any charge for the message area of a thread I no longer use?

You will pay for the tokens it consume.