i generated open AI API for my project for the first time but i keep receiving My quota exceeded please visit payment page to upgrade when i am just registering for the first time. Please help
The API is neither free nor included with ChatGPT plus.
Here’s a link to your API account and its billing: OpenAI Platform
Does it say “add payment method?”. Then that’s what you need to do - and then buy a minimum of $5 in credits to use the service, which is billed by the amount of language data that you send and receive.
I hate this American way of tricking us into buying something. What the hell is a token? What does it mean in real terms? Even chat GPT skirts around the issue. Tell us what we get for the money.
I’m trying for the first time today. I will try the solution to add some payment.
Adding payment works.
use this to figure out how many words is a token: https://platform.openai.com/tokenizer
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