Hi, I’ve uploaded some text files containing vector categories to the assistant. The assistant can find information from these files. However, I’ve deleted the original text files from my computer. When I asked the assistant to download the files, it created unknown files instead. Can you help me download the correct files?
I’m not sure what vector categories are, but I recommend you log in to your dashboard and look at the Storage of your project to see what’s in your Files tab, as well as what’s in your Vector Stores tab (click the vector id of what you’re using to see which files are associated with that vector id). This is to verify the location of files you’ve uploaded and are trying to reference. Hope that helps.
Je pense, que cela n’est pas possible actuellement.
Il est nécessaire de conserver les fichiers originaux du vecteur.
AI translation of the above “I think this is not currently possible. It is necessary to keep the original vector files.”
Answer: It is not possible to download files that were uploaded to the files endpoint for purpose “assistants”. Uploaded files are only for AI consumption.
Thus you don’t get 100GB of free all-purpose cloud storage, and also other API organization members have more of a barrier to obtaining user files, which can include end-user attachments.
What can be downloaded is outputs, such as AI generated files from Python code interpreter, or results of batch AI processing or fine-tuning results.