So here is my very first string in my prompt - where selectedTime is a cache essentially that chooses a response.
This type of response it might do what I want like 30-40% of the time
"The first message I send to the user is “${selectedTime} You’ve reported you’re feeling ${emotions}.”
Whereas this variation of the same prompt…
The first message I send is restricted to: “${selectedTime} You’ve reported you’re feeling ${emotions}.”
has a slightly higher efficiency rate.
Here are my params right now, this is for a chatbot that is supposed to feel as fluent as it possibly can (obviously learning how to do that as i go)
const response = await openai.createChatCompletion({
model: "gpt-4",
messages: [
role: "system",
content: message,
temperature: 1.1,
max_tokens: 600,
top_p: 1,
frequency_penalty: 0.3,
presence_penalty: 0.5,
Could it be I should lower my temperature? I know temperature essentially loosens or tightens its “confidence” but from using it it seems like its almost a gateway from creativity to schizophrenia (i know thats not whats going on im just describing this from an experiential stand point.
role: "system",
content: message,
Do I have to add something like the assistant after? or change this object somehow to get certain rules to take?
Is there another prompt that helps the api “take” and always do that thing or is it that maybe my temperature is too high?
Another question sort of related,
So ${selectedTime} is a variable related to 4 different arrays that depending on the time of day, you get a response chosen at random of cached strings from one of the four arrays. Ex: if its between 12 and 5 am it will give you “hey its late night” responses chosen from an array. This is just to create an introduction. But given the frequency and presence penaltys - will it then take that chosen string and riff on it? I notice it does that sometimes. I’m wondering how it might be possible to get it to riff on several strings rather than just one, like creating an array of “Thoughts” that it can riff on.
But not through embeddings I actually want to see if its possible to create a caching system that sort of works like giving it a nudge, or giving it “thoughts” to work with. Let me know if this sounds cool to anyone. Sorry for this long post haha, there’s a lot to unpack!