Going after PDFs as images was not high on my list, PDFs based on PostScript was much higher (think low hanging fruit), but still is a case that is needed.
Took the first item from the list im2latex_formulas.lst
to see how well the LaTeX could be understood by ChatGPT (Model: GPT 3.5) and used to help a person.
ChatGPT August 3 Version
Model: GPT-3.5
For the following LaTeX for a math expression
- display as a math expression
- explain to a university student
- if it is has a specific use include internet references such as wikipedia
\int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl\: {\rm e}^{-l\zeta} \int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl' {\rm e}^{-l'\zeta} ll'{l'-l \over l+l'} \{3\,\delta''(l) - {3 \over 4}t\,\delta(l) \} =0. \label{eq21}
Display as a math expression:
The given LaTeX expression is:
\int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl : e^{-l\zeta} \int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl’ : e^{-l’\zeta} \frac{ll’(l’-l)}{l+l’} \left{3\delta’'(l) - \frac{3}{4}t\delta(l)\right} = 0 \quad \text{Eq. (21)}
Explain to a university student:
In this math expression, we have an equation represented in LaTeX notation. Let’s break down the components step by step:
The expression starts with two integrals:
(\int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl) represents the integration over the variable (l) from (-\epsilon) to positive infinity.
(\int_{-\epsilon}^\infty dl’) represents the integration over the variable (l’) from (-\epsilon) to positive infinity.
Inside the integrals, we have (e^{-l\zeta}) and (e^{-l’\zeta}), which are exponential functions with (l) and (l’) as variables, respectively. The Greek letter (\zeta) seems to be a constant.
Next, we have (ll’(l’-l)), which is a product of three terms involving the variables (l) and (l’).
After that, we have a fraction (\frac{{l’l(l’-l)}}{{l+l’}}), where (l+l’) appears in the denominator.
Then, we have the curly braces ({ }), which contain two terms: (3\delta’‘(l)) and (\frac{3}{4}t\delta(l)). These are delta functions (\delta(l)) and (\delta’'(l)) with coefficients (3) and (\frac{3}{4}t), respectively. The variable (t) seems to be some constant.
Finally, the whole expression is equated to zero, indicating that this entire mathematical expression equals zero.
Please note that without further context or additional information about the variables and constants used in this expression, it is challenging to provide a specific interpretation of the equation’s meaning or its applications. It appears to be a mathematical equation involving integrals and delta functions, but the precise significance depends on the specific field or context it is used in.
Specific Use and Internet References:
Without specific context or information about the origin of the equation, it’s challenging to provide a direct internet reference or source. However, some components of the expression, such as the use of integrals and delta functions, are common in various mathematical fields, including calculus, differential equations, and theoretical physics. If you can provide more context or the field of study where this equation is relevant, I might be able to provide more specific references or explanations.
What would be interesting to know is for the images that generated LaTeX that were not accurate how correct is the expression? What is the confidence level that the expression is correct? In other words it is at times easier for a human to check simple facts that are a hallucination than it is to check an expression that is a hallucination or partial hallucination.
The page did not seem to include the results that were invalid but returned LaTeX, would have been nice to see that list included. If I missed those please point them out.