How is Conversational AI Changing Data Analysis?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been exploring the use of conversational AI in data analysis and am curious to hear your thoughts on this technology. It seems like natural language processing is making it possible to interact with data in more intuitive ways, which could be a game-changer for non-tech-savvy users in various fields. However, the main limitations I see right now: people need to learn how to ask data questions; AI hallucinations are a huge issue.

  • What experiences have you had with conversational AI tools for data analysis?
  • Do you think ChatGPT is effectively making data insights more accessible to a broader audience?
  • What do you see as the major challenges or limitations of LLM for data analytics?

I’m looking forward to learning from your experiences and insights!

PS: I am building Narrative BI to overcome some of the LLM limitations.

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