role: ‘user’,
content: ‘As the owner of a restaurant business, I manage my data using this format: [{“_id”:“64adce3a897a661ba27dcc4b”,“name”:{“TR”:“Yemekler”}}].\n’ +
" Please translate the Turkish values into Japanese, and represent the word ‘TR’ as Japanese.\n" +
’ After translating, please confirm that the data is created in the JA language by adding the language code Japanese at the end of the data.\n’ +
’ ’
LOG: [ { _id: ‘64adce3a897a661ba27dcc4b’, name: { JA: ‘Meals’ } } } ]
even though I give this prompt the log gpt generates a wrong translation for me, how can I avoid this.
how do I ensure that it always gives the right result?