Help with HTML output for draft email creation on OpenAI assistant

Hi, I have a prompt that just doesn’t seem to get the response I want. This is as follows, but the result still kept sending the output with ```html in it. Any ideas on how to improve this?

Provide the result as a pure HTML snippet, ensuring no code block markers or any other formatting is included. The response should start with the HTML content and end with the closing HTML tag. Do not include anything outside the actual HTML code.

Have you considered just using mark down instead and then with a single line of code creating (always valid) html from it? That is what use in my email processor. (That reads and answers emails)

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Thanks, I think I may have to go down this route if I cant get it to work correctly. At the moment, I am using Zapier to clean up the extra text, but I would love it to be cleaner.

should be easy?