GPT PLUS MEMBER - Cannot get Access or Login to Paid Account

The service is restored and are back online. You can try to login after 4pm est

I’ve managed to login after yesterdays issues, but now despite being a plus subscriber it’s asking me to sign up and i’ve lost access to GPT 4 which I has a couple of days ago? any ideas?

Me too, I am starting to think this service is a rippoff.

I am paying 20 per month and I get shotty service and half the interface doesnt think Im a member.

This is a joke.

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Cant get access to the interface. I’ve paid. Whats going on?

The same for me. It hasn’t been working for at least 3 hours.

I am also a plus member and cannot access the system. pls advise

I had unpaid my monthly bill, but after and its turn into free version after i completed my payment, still my account not update and I can not use plus version


Hey folks, if you are having issues with a ChatGPT Plus subscription, please reach out to support at: The support team is the best resource to help you!

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