Getting only some of the output with 200 tokens

i have typed a question like what can I wear on a date? but the output is not completed and also I don’t want this much big output as answer. i want answer in 2-3 lines. when I decrease the tokens its not completing the full sentence. what can I do??

What to wear on a date depends on the location and the type of date you are going on. Here are some outfit ideas for different types of dates: 1. Casual Date: For a casual date, you can wear a pair of jeans or chinos with a t-shirt or a button-down shirt. You can also wear a casual dress or a skirt with a blouse. Sneakers or loafers are good shoe options for a casual date. 2. Dinner Date: For a dinner date, you can wear a dress or a skirt with a blouse or a dressy top. You can also wear a pair of dress pants with a button-down shirt or a blazer. Heels or dressy flats are good shoe options for a dinner date. 3. Outdoor Date: For an outdoor date, you can wear a pair of shorts or jeans with a t-shirt or a tank top. You can also wear a sundress or a maxi dress. Sneakers or sandals are good shoe options for an

Try specifying the amount of lines in the prompt, like “Tell me in two or three lines what to wear for a date”.

You should also probably specify more things though.

Hi @mudumbasashank

Here’s how the response of chat completion looks like:

  "id": "chatcmpl-123",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1677652288,
  "choices": [{
    "index": 0,
    "message": {
      "role": "assistant",
      "content": "\n\nHello there, how may I assist you today?",
    "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 9,
    "completion_tokens": 12,
    "total_tokens": 21

if the "finish_reason" is anything other than "stop", resend the api request with just the assistant part of the message.

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but i am trying to keep the interaction in a casual way where normal people also can interact

If you’re using the API you can add that text in front of the prompt in the code so the end user doesn’t see it.