Generalized results in Davinci-003


My AI article tool started generating too much random content. Like When asked to write a fictional novel, instead it generates content for ‘How to’ write one. It could have been a case of wrong prompt, but earlier with similar prompts I was getting better results. Any suggestion or a way around would be highly appreciated.

Example of Generalized result-

  1. Write a fictional romantic novel. Love is a powerful emotion. It can… | by Atul Singh | Medium
  2. Fictional romantic novel. Fictional romantic novels often spark… | by Atul Singh | Medium

Example of great result by Davinci-003-

Can someone also suggest optimum Temperature, Top P, Tokens , Frequency penalty, and presence penalty for this?

Can someone also suggest optimum Temperature, Top P, Tokens , Frequency penalty, and presence penalty for this?

I think broadly these are the kind of things that need to be tuned on an example by example basis, it is hard to give specific advice other than try a few different options and see what works.

Also, worth noting, the response you get from the API should not have changed recently. Are you comparing the API results vs ChatGPT for example?

Hi, Thanks for the reply. No, actually I was referring to the results generated by the Davinci-003 API. Something seems off to me since a few weeks. Anyways thanks for confirming. Seems will have to tune the Temperature a bit.

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