Hi there, I’m trying to understand how I can get parallel function calling working. I have defined tool to get stock data but can’t get stock data of two entities at the same time.
You need to share the underlying calls.
Otherwise I would say the error is self evident?
Here’s a successful parallel call to prompt What is the cube root of 7 and separately the cube root of 8?
"role": "assistant",
"content": "",
"tool_calls": [
"id": "call_PfQMhLHCs0QhbzHCdNVKhaKl",
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "calculate",
"arguments": "{\"input\": \"Math.cbrt(7)\"}"
"id": "call_JHHh8Yj4qJQl3iSy7Pvw8SZQ",
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": "calculate",
"arguments": "{\"input\": \"Math.cbrt(8)\"}"
"role": "tool",
"tool_call_id": "call_PfQMhLHCs0QhbzHCdNVKhaKl",
"content": "1.912931182772389"
"role": "tool",
"tool_call_id": "call_JHHh8Yj4qJQl3iSy7Pvw8SZQ",
"content": "2.0"
Do you utilize parallel tool calls as described in the OpenAI documentation (https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat-create-tool_choice)?
If not, there’s no clear justification for calling a tool sequentially. A language model should only call the same tool multiple times if there’s a specific reason to do so. In such cases, an assistant message should be included between successive tool calls to provide context or explain the rationale.
Hi, this is a section of my code to deal with function calls. There is no difference between parallel an non-parallel calls, just they are one or more than one calls in a list, and you must perform every one and give some response using it identifier. My code is c#,think on it as pseudo-code, as it uses resource names and objets not listed in the fragment:
… Here you have launched a thread run, and you have received a run response:
if (run.Status == RUNST_requires_action)
if ((run.RequiredAction != null) && (run.RequiredAction.Type == RACTION_submit_tool_outputs))
ToolOutputs to = new ToolOutputs();
string callblock = run.Id;
foreach (ToolCall tc in run.RequiredAction.SubmitToolOutputs.ToolCalls)
string fresult = "";
if (AppAutomation != null)
FunctionResponse resp = await AppAutomation.CallFunction(this, tc.Function.Name, tc.Function.Arguments, callblock);
fresult = resp.Result;
fresult = string.Format(ERR_NoAppAutomation, tc.Function.Name);
to.ToolOutputsList.Add(new ToolOutput()
ToolCallId = tc.Id,
Output = fresult
endpoint = _settings.GetEndpoint(SECTION_assistantthreads, EPNAME_SubmitToolOutputs);
ow = await APIManager.APICallAsync(client, to, string.Format(endpoint.URL, othread.Id, run.Id), new HttpMethod(endpoint.Method), endpoint.returnType);
run = ow.Implementation as Run;
… continue procesing
Yep, I figured it out. Thank you!
Please format your Post putting the json into a markdown code block.
Sorry for not removing left spaces.