Azure Openai GPT 3.5 and 4 not calling multiple tools in parallel

Hi,i’am facing a bug when trying to call multiple tools at parallel.The model is calling only a single tool everytime. See below code.

def add(a: int, b: int) → int:
“”"Adds a and b.

    a: first int
    b: second int
return a + b

def multiply(a: int, b: int) → int:
“”"Multiplies a and b.

    a: first int
    b: second int
return a * b

query = “what is 2 multiplied to 3 and added to 6”
tools = [add, multiply]
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)
messages = [HumanMessage(query)]
ai_msg = llm_with_tools.invoke(messages)

tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘multiply’, ‘args’: {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: 3}, ‘id’: ‘call_iL2w2GayR28vbVGqTnafJGD9’}

This code above need to call both addition and multiplication but instead calling only multiplication.I also tried with various tools and functions.But only one tool is getting invoked.

Welcome to the community!

how would you call (2 * 3) + 4 in parallel, and with what arguments? :thinking:

are you maybe asking about nested tool calling?


Thanks for replying.By parallel i mean in the “tool_calls” there should by 2 tool calls (multiply and add).

Refer to : Langchain Function/Tool calling

I understand, my question is, what would you do, given the task?

query = “what is 2 multiplied to 3 and added to 6”

can you manually finish this completion?

tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘multiply’, ‘args’: {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: 3}, ‘id’: ‘1’}, {{‘name’: ‘

what comes next?

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This is the whole output :
content=‘’ additional_kwargs={‘tool_calls’: [{‘index’: 0, ‘id’: ‘call_iL2w2GayR28vbVGqTnafJGD9’, ‘function’: {‘arguments’: ‘{\n “a”: 2,\n “b”: 3\n}’, ‘name’: ‘multiply’}, ‘type’: ‘function’}]} response_metadata={‘finish_reason’: ‘tool_calls’, ‘model_name’: ‘gpt-4-32k’} id=‘run-08548196-acfb-4537-9b96-c3ec8cda12ae-0’ tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘multiply’, ‘args’: {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: 3}, ‘id’: ‘call_iL2w2GayR28vbVGqTnafJGD9’}]

no, how would you, a human, Adhish Sekar, complete the following text

tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘multiply’, ‘args’: {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: 3}, ‘id’: ‘1’}, {{‘name’: ‘…?

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Ok now i get.Its not possible for the llm to make the multiple tool call because of the query contains only 3 params and it will not calculate the result of first part and apply it in second part

But consider query = “what is 2 multiplied to 3 and what is 5 added to 4”

iam getting
output : content=‘’ additional_kwargs={‘tool_calls’: [{‘index’: 0, ‘id’: ‘call_1rgHWaMaNQfgwp1ifxnK5vg7’, ‘function’: {‘arguments’: ‘{\n “a”: 2,\n “b”: 3\n}’, ‘name’: ‘multiply’}, ‘type’: ‘function’}]} response_metadata={‘finish_reason’: ‘tool_calls’, ‘model_name’: ‘gpt-4-32k’} id=‘run-670f2b6d-e47c-463e-975a-690c310c0ff1-0’ tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘multiply’, ‘args’: {‘a’: 2, ‘b’: 3}, ‘id’: ‘call_1rgHWaMaNQfgwp1ifxnK5vg7’}]

still the problem exists?

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next step: consider adding a CoT (chain of thought) step, asking the model to think about what tool calls can be sent in parallel/at the same time

Now iam getting the below output :slight_smile: :

content=‘The tool calls for these operations can be made in parallel as follows:\n\njson\n[\n {\n "function": "functions.multiply",\n "args": {\n "a": 2,\n "b": 3\n },\n "instance": "1"\n },\n {\n "function": "functions.add",\n "args": {\n "a": 5,\n "b": 4\n },\n "instance": "2"\n }\n]\n\n\nIn this case, the “multiply” tool call is used to multiply 2 and 3, and the “add” tool call is used to add 5 and 4. These calls are made in parallel, indicated by the different instance numbers.’ response_metadata={‘finish_reason’: ‘stop’, ‘model_name’: ‘gpt-4-32k’} id=‘run-f80b3be2-7be1-429f-8c79-64cc8473a982-0’

    "function": "functions.multiply",
    "args": {
      "a": 2,
      "b": 3
    "instance": "1"
    "function": "functions.add",
    "args": {
      "a": 5,
      "b": 4
    "instance": "2"

well, you could just parse that, no? but you may need to specifically instruct the model to actually call the tools/functions at the end of the thinking if you’re set on using functions.


thank you for your suggestion but i just wanted to try the code on langchain but still not able to get the output as it is given in the documentation in langchain.
from import tool

def add(a: int, b: int) → int:
“”"Adds a and b.

    a: first int
    b: second int
return a + b

def multiply(a: int, b: int) → int:
“”"Multiplies a and b.

    a: first int
    b: second int
return a * b

tools = [add, multiply]
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools(tools)

langchain probably isn’t making your life easier :person_shrugging:

you can try your luck here:


A couple of notes:

  1. Yeah frameworks like langchain can actually make tasks more complicated - stick to first principles and write stuff yourself with just a bare bones client library?
  2. Consider using a (safe) language interpreter instead, e.g a local process that can safely evaluate JavaScript, python or Ruby expressions in a sandbox, giving the LLM more flexibility to perform this in one shot.

My Chatbot does this with a Ruby sandbox.

Thank you i will try there :sweat_smile:

yeah i tried without langchain but getting the same results

code :

add = {
“name”: “add”,
“description”: “Add ‘x’ and ‘y’.”,
“parameters”: {
“type”: “object”,
“properties”: {
“x”: {“type”: “number”, “description”: “First number to add”},
“y”: {“type”: “number”, “description”: “Second number to add”}
“required”: [“x”, “y”]
multiply = {
“name”: “multiply”,
“description”: “Multiply ‘x’ and ‘y’.”,
“parameters”: {
“type”: “object”,
“properties”: {
“x”: {“type”: “number”, “description”: “First number to multiply”},
“y”: {“type”: “number”, “description”: “Second number to multiply”}
“required”: [“x”, “y”]
messages =
llm_with_tools = llm.bind_tools([multiply,add])
(“system”, “You’re a helpful assistant who can use tools.Use multiple tools if necessary”),
(“human”, “what’s 1 added to 1000 and 5 multiplied to 6”),
]) )

content=‘’ additional_kwargs={‘tool_calls’: [{‘index’: 0, ‘id’: ‘call_cMXg3JIlWq7aURYVyPVSe5KT’, ‘function’: {‘arguments’: ‘{\n"x": 1,\n"y": 1000\n}’, ‘name’: ‘add’}, ‘type’: ‘function’}]} response_metadata={‘finish_reason’: ‘tool_calls’, ‘model_name’: ‘gpt-4-32k’} id=‘run-13f02b2a-d9fa-4a6c-b7b2-a2008dac5927-0’ tool_calls=[{‘name’: ‘add’, ‘args’: {‘x’: 1, ‘y’: 1000}, ‘id’: ‘call_cMXg3JIlWq7aURYVyPVSe5KT’}]

It can be done:

Parallel call with last example:

Your original example

Code here:

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I understand that it can be done using the single tool “Calculate”.But i want it to be done using multi-tools(add and multiply) .Iam trying this to learn about multi-tool calling.

See my first example above, it has a parallel call.

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Yes I saw that but still it doesnt work on mine.I want to know why the same code it works in documentation but not for me :slight_smile:

as per @Diet I’d ask on Langchain reddit?

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