Fun with the Batch API - An example

I am finding the Batch API very useful. It allows me to apply the magic of LLMs to a range of use cases that were not cost effective in the past. It means that I can divide the tasks that I want to done by an LLM into those that I need a rapid response to (chat) and those tasks that I can wait an hour or more for (batch). Here is some code I am using.

I have created three functions. The first is to create a .jsonl file from a plain text file. To allow for a mult-line prompt, you put a [begin-prompt] tag at the front of each prompt and an [end-prompt] flag at the end of each prompt.

# Create a jsonl file from a txt file containing prompts (requests)
# To support multi-line prompts, each prompt requires as [begin-prompt] and [end-prompt] tag on a separate line 
    ctr = 0 
    with open(input_file_name, 'r') as file:
        # Initialize variables
        request = ""         # To store the concatenated string
        capturing = False    # Flag to check if we are between the tags
        # Initialize a list to hold all JSON records
        json_records = []

        # Read the file line by line
        for line in file:
            # Check for the beginning tag
            if '[begin-prompt]' in line:
                capturing = True
                continue  # Skip the line with [begin-prompt]
            # Check for the ending tag
            elif '[end-prompt]' in line: 
                capturing = False
                # Process the collected request here if needed, for example:
                # Create a JSON record using the schema
                json_record = {
                    "method": "POST",
                    "url": "/v1/chat/completions",
                    "body": {
                        "model": model,
                        "messages": [
                        {"role": "system", "content": content},
                        {"role": "user", "content": request}
                        "max_tokens": max_tokens
                # Append the JSON record to the list
                # Reset the request for the next capture
                request = ""
                continue  # Skip the line with [end-prompt]
            # If we are between the tags, add the line to request
            if capturing:
                request += line
    # Write the list of JSON records to the output file
    with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output_file:
        for record in json_records:
            json.dump(record, output_file)

The second function takes the .jsonl file from the first step and creates and submits a batch request – see below.

def create_batch(client, input_file_name):
    # Upload the JSONL file
    batch_input_file = client.files.create(
        file=open(input_file_name, "rb"),

    batch_input_file_id =

    # Create the batch using the file id of the uploaded jsonl file
    batch_object = client.batches.create(
            "description": "Test Batch - Student Experience"

    # Retrieve batch ID
    batch_id =
    # Retrieve the batch object to check the status
    batch_object = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id)

    # Batch statuses that indicate the job is still running
    running_statuses = ["validating", "in_progress", "finalizing", "cancelling"]

    # Loop until batch processing is finished
    while batch_object.status in running_statuses:
        # Check the current status
        print(f"Current status: {batch_object.status}")
        # Wait for a short period before checking again (e.g., 10 seconds)
        # Retrieve the updated batch object
        batch_object = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id)

    # Once the loop exits, check the final status
    print(f"Final status: {batch_object.status}")
    return batch_object

Once the batch processing completes, this function creates a plain text file with the prompt id, and response from the LLM.

def show_batch_output(batch_object, content_file_name):
    # Get the content from the batch object's output file
    output_file_response = client.files.content(batch_object.output_file_id)
    json_data = output_file_response.content.decode('utf-8')
    print('\n json_data', json_data) 
    # Open the specified file in write mode
    with open(content_file_name, 'w') as file:
        # Split the data into individual JSON records by line
        for line in json_data.splitlines():
            # Parse the JSON record (line) to validate it
            json_record = json.loads(line)
            # Extract and print the custom_id
            custom_id = json_record.get("custom_id")
            file.write(f"\n Prompt ID: {custom_id}\n")
            # Navigate to the 'choices' key within the 'response' -> 'body'
            choices = json_record.get("response", {}).get("body", {}).get("choices", [])
            # Loop through the choices to find messages with the 'assistant' role
            for choice in choices:
                message = choice.get("message", {})
                if message.get("role") == "assistant":
                    assistant_content = message.get("content")
                    file.write(f"\n {assistant_content}\n")
    print(f"\n Finished processing of batch output file. JSON records have been saved to {content_file_name}")

Here is an example of the usage where I translated the text from a Jules Verne novel from English to French. I added [begin-prompt] and [end-prompt] tags to each chapter. I also added the prompt request “Convert the following text from English to French”. I had assumed when I wrote the program that I would have a mixture prompt requests in a single batch file.

output_file_name = 'julesverne.jsonl' 
content_file_name = 'julesverne_translated.txt' 
max_tokens = 10000
model = "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"
content = "You are an expert in English to French translation"

print('\n Creating a jsonl file...')

# Step 1 create a jsonl file from a plain text file 
create_jsonl_from_text(input_file_name, output_file_name, max_tokens, model, content)
print('\n Creating a batch ...') 

# Step 2 Create and process a batch by first uploading the jsonl file and creating the batch 

batch_object = create_batch(client,output_file_name) 

# Step 3 Parse the output and get the content of the response 
show_batch_output(batch_object,content_file_name) ype or paste code here

Yes. BatchAPIs are cool. Thanks for sharing!

I would also argue that they are the future because it enables longer term research to be carried out instead of simply …chat. Already with multi agents, we are seeing a delay is necessarily required (for example, if you want a proper review of a blog post)

One of the essential things to deal with is “how to deal with delay of possibily 24 hrs”. In your show_batch_output, you need to wait till for the batch_object to be present. Currently you poll in the step 2 for this.

In the upcoming MicroAgentComposer framework that I am working on, you would be able to resume the worklflow after the batch completes (even a week later; if you need to).

Here’s the essential abstraction :

mac_translator = MicroAgentComposer(system_context= "You are an expert in English to French translation" )
mac_translator = mac_translator( max_tokens = 10000, model= "gpt-4o-2024-08-06")

    .with_goal_args(input_file_name='julesverne.txt', json_file_name="julesverne.jsonl")\
    .goal("create json file from text file")\
    .batch_goal("translate json file")\
    .goal("get translated file") \

Yes, I agree and at this time, 24 hrs is the only option allowed. That said, I have experienced no delays that I expected with batch processing. My requests are done in less than an hour.

Taking an agentic approach makes a lot of sense. I can also see chaining batch requests together, composing a new batch on the basis of the results from the first batch for example.


As an addendum to my initial post. I had previously thought that the Batch API was limited to text only. I was wrong as it works for image analysis as well. The ability to process a high volume of images at half the cost opens up a lot of use cases in my mind at least.

I have created three new Python functions to facilitate this.

encode_image: creates a base64 encoding of an image
process_images: reads from a text file that contains a list of image file names and encodes each image and returns a list of base_64 images.
create_jsonl_with_images: Read a list of image filenames from an input file and create the necessary .json records for image processing and write them to a .jsonl file.

def encode_image(file_path):
    # Opens the image file, encodes it to base64 and returns the encoded string
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image_file:
        base64_image = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
    return base64_image

def process_images(input_file_name):
    base64_images = []  # List to store base64 encoded images
    # Open the file containing image file names
    with open(input_file_name, "r") as file:
        for line in file:
            image_file = line.strip()  # Get the image file name, stripping any trailing whitespace or newlines
            if image_file:  # Ensure the line is not empty
                    base64_image = encode_image(image_file)  # Encode the image
                    base64_images.append(base64_image)  # Append the encoded image to the list
                except FileNotFoundError:
                    print(f"Image file {image_file} not found!")
    return base64_images

I have created a new function that creates the .jsonl file for image processing called create_jsonl_with_images. It takes an input file with a list of image file names to be processed and creates the necessary .jsonl file.

def  create_jsonl_with_images (input_file_name,output_file_name,ask, max_tokens, model, content):
    ctr = 0 
    json_records =[]
    base64_images = []
    # create a list of base64 images from a text file of file names 
    base64_images = process_images(input_file_name) 
    # Iterate over each base64 image in the list
    for base64_image in base64_images:
        # Create the JSON record for each image
        json_record = {
            "custom_id": "Image-" + str(ctr),
            "method": "POST",
            "url": "/v1/chat/completions",
            "body": {
                "model": model,
                "messages": [
                    {"role": "system", "content": content},
                    {"role": "user", "content": [
                        {"type": "text", "text": ask},
                        {"type": "image_url", "image_url": {"url": f"data:image/png;base64,{base64_image}"}}
                "max_tokens": max_tokens
        # Append the JSON record to the list
        ctr += 1  # Increment the counter for each record
    # Write the list of JSON records to the output file
    with open(output_file_name, 'w') as output_file:
        for record in json_records:
            json.dump(record, output_file)

Putting it together, there are no changes to the functions I defined previously, create_batch and and show_batch_output.

input_file_name = 'image_files.txt' 
output_file_name = 'images.jsonl' 
content_file_name = 'image_analysis.txt' 
ask = 'Summarize the content of this image'
max_tokens = 10000
model = "gpt-4o-2024-08-06"
content = "You are expert in image analysis. You provide extraordinary detail to your analysis"

print('\n Creating a jsonl file...')

# Step 1 create a jsonl file from a plain text file 
create_jsonl_with_images(input_file_name, output_file_name, ask, max_tokens, model, content)
print('\n Creating a batch ...') 

# Step 2 Create and process a batch by first uploading the jsonl file and creating the batch 

batch_object = create_batch(client,output_file_name) 

print ('Batch processing completed') 

# Step 3 Parse the output and get the content of the response 
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