Frontend on steroids with OpenAI

I have deployed it for you to try out, I’ve had lots of fun with it! :slight_smile:
Keep in mind that it’s just a POC and might have some bugs. There are some features that might not make sense in the context of tree node management but I was too lazy to delete them :slight_smile:

The prerequisites to test the application:

  • Signing in via Google OAuth
  • Providing an OpenAI API key - (I suggest that you create a temporary API key which you delete after you’re done playing around!)

There are five actions that can be done to a node from the UI:

  • Add child node
  • Remove node
  • Edit node
  • Mark as done (only possible on leaf nodes)
  • Toggle collapse node (by double-clicking on the node)

I recommend adding some initial child nodes before sending instructions to OpenAI. Please note that the processing time gets slower as the tree grows, but the results also become more accurate. I haven’t really tried optimizing it yet but I’m sure it’s possible.

Sometimes the ai operation returns invalid JSON, usually resending the command fixes it.

Some commands you try:

  • Collapse all nodes that has a title that starts with the letter “L”
  • Delete the X node
  • Move **X**node to be a descendant of Y
  • Add descriptions to all nodes
  • Mark all nodes that are related to X as done
  • Add 5 more nodes with relevant titles under X
  • etc.

Enjoy, and let me know about any interesting findings you do! It really opens up so many possibilities not only with tree structures but with data lists if done properly!