Exporting existing Assistant to Python

I created an Assistant in the webbrowser but now want to continue to develop in in python.
Is there an easy way to create python code out of the existing assistant (if possible including uploaded used files), so that I can continue without having to start from scratch and using lots of copy and paste?


The assistant ID and its connected files will still be there when making direct API calls.

The routines for interfacing with an assistant are more tedious though, with much to be managed by your software still in contrast to the meager assets that sit behind many endpoints, such as actually tracking what chat belongs to who and reloading from them, putting messages in threads, polling to see if a response is ready, etc.

“documentation” on the sidebar, to “assistants” is a start for you.

So you are saying it is easier to remake it, because exporting/downloading does not work?

There is nothing to “download”. Code is required to utilize API endpoints and present a user interface to the user, along with the management of calls to several endpoints to put a run into motion.

This is whether you have made an assistant ID by an API call that provides instructions, or did that in the “playground”.

The resources created by the playground are the same as your API account, using assistants IDs, files, vector storage…