Explain a concept to my 3-year old

I wanted to explain the concept of a lost and found box to my three year old but didn’t know how so I asked GPT3 to do it for me :slight_smile:

prompt: Explain the concept of dogs pooping outside to my three year old.
result: Dogs don’t go potty inside in the bathroom like we do, they go potty on the grass outside. After they are done, we pick up the poopy and throw it in the trash.

prompt: Explain the concept of laundry to my three year old.
result: When we wear clothes, they get dirty. So at the end of the day we have to take off those clothes and wash. After we wash them, they’re wet so we dry them. Then we have to fold the clothes so that we can put them into our drawers.

prompt: Explain the concept of a lost and found box to my three year old.
result: We have a box in the classroom where we can put any lost things that we find (like a pencil). We keep them in the box until we find the owner.


Awesome! Works good :sunglasses:


Niice, very simple and accurate.


This ability has huge implications. Explaining concepts for education, for instance, as well as public service.


Holy crap, I see what you mean, this is major! Just a matter of arranging the pieces, it’s already here.


Yeah it kind of blew my mind when the result was so appropriate.


I haven’t thought through the scenarios in which this would be used yet. But just at first glance, it does seem to have a lot of potential. I imagine it would be used to guide people in charge of the explanations, like me, who are maybe not great at simplifying concepts enough. Will have to give this one more thought.


You could teach people very efficiently, because if you tell the AI who you are, it will give an answer based on your maturity.


Do these output expressions vary or , or GPT3 inputs are singularly mapped into a single output (one-to-one map)?

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Could you please share at least 5 varied replies for each, as they output by the software?

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Terrific! and thank you


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a simple & wise solution.

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Nice try something which can be tricky :wink::+1:t2:

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The questions you asked were great.
The first two reply’s to your first two questions have great explanation to what happens and what to do

When it comes to the lost and found box. The reply seems incorrect compared to the first two questions.

The reply states that we keep the item in a box until we “find” the owner.

So my feedback to that is the owner of a missing item should locate the box in search of the item. Not the box finding an owner

So yeah that’s my opinion on this post as I have a 3 year old daughter so that’s why I found it interesting


GPT3 isn’t perfect, it still requires human editing most of the time. But it provides a good base to work with.


Nice, think about all those times parents aren’t there to answer simple questions… There will be no barriers for curious children who keep asking why why why and whywhy, :slight_smile:

The future is bright for those born today. I got a commodore 64, our kids got Geforce500 series, kids now have realtime photon tracing and nanite game engines… their kids will have a.i. as smart as them to assist them… All of that in 50 years.


why didnt i think of this earlier?! I’m currently being bombarded by a 2 and 4 year old asking why, why, why, why… im obv not explaining things at their level lol