Error in chatgpt response receiver

hi, can someone explain why when i try gpt-4o model, it says ‘the model doesn’t exist, or you don’t have to access it’. Is it because I am using free apikey and have to upgrade it to premium?

Welcome to the community!

It’s possible that you might be facing a misconfiguration.

You can also go to, and see if the model works there. If it does, you can click on the </> code button and compare the configuration to what you have.

It might also be important to know that as far as I’m aware, there’s no such thing as a “free api key” - you need to charge your account before using the API.

Also, there’s no such thing as a “Premium” API - There are service tiers, but that’s not super important right now.

You need to go to and ensure you have enough credits. If you do, I’d suggest trying the playground. Then, may need to cycle your API keys again before it starts working in your app, but at that point, you should be good to go!