'Edit message' button in ChatGPT is missing


I think, the Edit message button should be returned

they dont care in the early days they give quality for free slowly hiddenly decrease quality steal data and experiment on free users

At this point, if they don’t reply in the next 24 hours, it’s probably gone for good.


Avatars and buttons have been removed. The chat is hard to follow, and now the edit button is gone → too much artificial intelligence that isn’t intelligent, just a predictive parrot? :roll_eyes:

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I’m on ChatGPT Pro, I can’t edit either.


Its not about chatgpt is dumb they say making intelligent ai is hard they just want money they may have more powerfull model hidden for rich they keep putting restriction and decreasing quality and stealing our data and say making ai creative is hard its have to to one way fix it or i am leaving

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i waiting for 68 hours if not fixed i am leaving openai

It seems that everyone has this problem. And the editing function needs to be returned - it has become more difficult to work.

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yes its confusing everytime a little mistake need to sent another message

we need to grow this post so openai come out from its hiding place

At this point, it’s clear they’re ignoring it on purpose. If it were a bug, they would’ve at least said something. But their silence pretty much confirms it was a deliberate removal.

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We, the users, helped OpenAI grow. We tested their models, gave feedback, and made ChatGPT popular. But now that they have corporate money, they’re ignoring the free users who got them here.

We demand a response. Was this removal intentional? Will the edit button return? Or is OpenAI officially turning its back on the very people who built it?

If OpenAI won’t even respect its users enough to answer a simple question, then maybe it’s time to look elsewhere.

I need answer @openai are you become ignorant

I have the same problem. It’s gone on both my phone and computer, but it was working perfectly fine yesterday.

OpenAI, we have waited long enough. Your silence is unacceptable. You removed the Edit Button, ignored thousands of users

OpenAi still Silent Come out

Same. The edit button is gone forever, I suppose. :frowning_face:

We are waiting for an answer. But I think that they will be able to return this function

everything put this in console of inspector first enter allow pasting then paste this the button was not removed just hidden they sneaky as hell : javascript:(()=>{let w=window,f=()=>{let a=document.querySelectorAll(‘.top-0.hidden’);a.length&&(a.forEach(n=>n.classList.remove(‘hidden’)),console.log(‘Edit buttons restored:’,a.length));};w.iii&&w.clearInterval(iii);w.iii=w.setInterval(f,2000);f()})()