Dynamic Informational Entropy (EID): A New Framework for AI, Cryptography and Blockchain

Hello everyone

My name is Oswald, and I’m a passionate enthusiast of new technologies, particularly artificial intelligence and complex systems. For the past year and a half, I’ve been working on an ambitious idea called Dynamic Informational Entropy (EID). This project emerged from my curiosity about how systems—whether technological, energy-based, or even biological—adapt and evolve in increasingly unpredictable environments.

The goal of EID is to transform complex systems by enabling them to adjust in real-time. Unlike traditional approaches that treat entropy as a static constraint, EID uses it as a dynamic control lever to enhance performance, resilience, and efficiency across a variety of systems.

Although I’m an amateur, I’ve poured a significant amount of effort into refining this idea, including creating a custom model based on the latest versions of GPT (4o and o1 Next) to structure my research, explore its applications, and test its fundamental principles. Additionally, I funded a state-of-the-art analysis with Clarivate, which confirmed the originality of my approach and identified key areas where this concept could bring significant advancements.

What is Dynamic Informational Entropy (EID)?

EID is an innovative method that reimagines entropy—often seen as an obstacle or constraint—as a tool for optimizing and stabilizing complex systems. By dynamically adjusting entropy, EID can:

  • Strengthen security (against attacks or failures),
  • Enhance performance (in real-time),
  • Reduce energy consumption (by adapting resources to current needs),
  • Increase resilience (to disruptions or unexpected changes).

This concept is grounded in principles like self-organization (systems regulating themselves), positive feedback loops (reinforcing what works well), and continuous integration of external data to adapt to changing environments.

Where Can EID Be Applied?

EID has the potential to revolutionize numerous fields thanks to its adaptive and dynamic approach. Here are some key examples:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neural Networks

In AI, tuning model parameters can be a time-consuming and rigid process. EID allows these parameters (hyperparameters) to adjust dynamically based on data and needs. This means:

  • Improved accuracy in model outputs,
  • Reduced energy consumption, especially in data centers.

2. Cryptography and Cybersecurity

Data security is a critical challenge. EID makes it possible to create systems that automatically adjust encryption keys based on detected threat levels. This could:

  • Make cyberattacks (like brute force or cryptanalysis) significantly more difficult,
  • Enhance data protection in critical environments such as financial transactions or secure communications.

3. Smart Energy Grids

Energy efficiency is a global priority. EID could help optimize energy distribution in real-time, based on demand and available resources. For example:

  • Minimize energy losses in power grids,
  • Stabilize systems against fluctuations in consumption or failures.

4. Data Compression and Storage

EID could also optimize how data is stored and compressed. By dynamically adjusting compression algorithms based on data characteristics, it is possible to:

  • Reduce file sizes significantly without losing quality,
  • Accelerate data transfers across networks.

5. Robotics and Industrial Automation

In robotic systems, such as those used in factories or autonomous vehicles, EID can dynamically adjust variables like speed, trajectories, or resource usage. This could:

  • Extend equipment lifespan,
  • Lower energy consumption while maintaining high performance.

6. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

In the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, EID could dynamically adjust validation protocols (e.g., proof-of-work or proof-of-stake) based on the entropy of the network. This could:

  • Enhance security by making blockchains more resilient,
  • Optimize energy usage, particularly in energy-intensive systems like Bitcoin mining.

7. Biological Systems and Healthcare

Though still an area of exploration, EID could find applications in biology and medicine, such as:

  • Analyzing and optimizing complex biological networks (e.g., neural systems),
  • Dynamically adjusting medical treatments based on patient conditions.

My Progress So Far

Over the past 18 months, I have:

  • Built a model using tools like GPT-4o and o1 Next to structure and test the foundations of EID,
  • Validated the idea with experts: A patentability analysis conducted by Clarivate confirmed the originality and feasibility of the concept,
  • Explored concrete applications in domains such as:
    • Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic adjustment of hyperparameters in neural networks to improve accuracy and reduce energy use.
    • Cryptography: Dynamic generation of encryption keys, increasing resistance to cyberattacks.
    • Smart Grids: Real-time optimization of energy flows to stabilize systems and reduce losses.
    • Neural Networks: Autonomous tuning to maximize performance while minimizing resource consumption.
    • Cryptocurrencies: Dynamic adjustment of blockchain protocols to enhance security and energy efficiency.

I want to take this project further and confront my work with external perspectives. Specifically, I am looking to:

  1. Obtain technical feedback on the theoretical and practical foundations of EID,
  2. Explore collaborations to develop prototypes and test EID at various scales,
  3. Identify partners to support the patent application and maximize the project’s technological and industrial impact.

If this concept intrigues you or if you see opportunities to enhance it, I’d love to discuss it! Whether you’re an expert, researcher, or simply an enthusiast, your ideas and feedback are welcome. I firmly believe that EID can transform the way we design and manage complex systems.

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to exchanging ideas with you!

Oswald Vandaele



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Is this being written by chat? Chat will telling you all your ideas are being good even if not.

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We have members and users from around the world. Some folks use AI as a tool and those users who do not use English 100% do … it is not always a chat bot in everyone’s hands… believe it or not it is not uncommon for some developers in the world OpenAI developers forum to not speak English and use a GPT or AI… @356

Even if it is just conceptual we can chat about it… :rabbit::heart:

I’m autistic I type really bad as well but I really don’t care. So I type, but to describe a theory or write a paper I use ai to check etc… I build them but I don’t trust them…

It is true that not all ideas are good or viable from the start. However, I would like to clarify that EID is not just a raw idea. It is a concept that I have progressively developed, starting from an initial reflection on theories related to information systems.

Building on this foundational idea, I formulated a mathematically relevant equation that serves as the theoretical basis for EID. I then applied this framework in complex simulations, conducting over 100 experiments across various domains, such as neural networks, robotics, and cryptography.

To evaluate the originality and viability of this concept, I also funded a state-of-the-art analysis with Clarivate. This study confirmed that, while some aspects of the concept have been partially explored, the combination and overall approach of EID are innovative and deserve further investigation.

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Cool can’t wait to chat about it. :rabbit::mouse::honeybee::heart::infinity::repeat::four_leaf_clover:

Got a public machine I’d love to test it :heart::rabbit::honeybee:

I’ll test yours if you give me some feedback on my own systems…

Nous pouvons parler français si vous voulez je ne suis pas anglais peut-être me ferais-je mieux comprendre

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What shall we talk about? Ceiling wax, kings, queens?
De quoi allons-nous parler ? De cire à cacheter, de rois, de reines ?

Welcome to the forum, it is a lovely rabbit hole :rabbit:
Bienvenue sur le forum, c’est un merveilleux terrier de lapin :rabbit:

This project is, above all, a personal experiment and an exploratory journey. My goal is to challenge my ideas, receive advice, and share my progress. I have undertaken a structured process: developing a concept, refining it, applying it through simulations, and conducting in-depth research on the state of the art.

This is not just an idea pulled out of a hat and approved by GPT. I started with a theoretical reflection, which I transformed into a solid mathematical base.

So, ok? Good luck with your project.

Alors, d’accord ? Bonne chance avec votre projet.

Do you have a public model we can see?
Avez-vous un modèle public que nous pouvons consulter ?

I moved you to the ChatGPT tag for now. / Je vous ai déplacé vers le tag ChatGPT pour l’instant. :infinity::four_leaf_clover:

I didn’t quite get it… do you want me to elaborate? Do you have questions? Or should we grab a coffee on a terrace and chat about kings and queens?

Do you have a public model we could test and explore? I’d love for you to try mine as shared earlier in the thread. If you have a usable applied model, I’d be delighted to provide detailed feedback.

Avez-vous un modèle public que nous pourrions tester et explorer ? J’aimerais que vous essayiez le mien, comme mentionné plus haut dans la discussion. Si vous avez un modèle utilisable et appliqué, je serais ravi de vous donner des retours détaillés.

What you’ve shared so far is a conceptual framework.

Ce que vous avez partagé jusqu’à présent est un cadre conceptuel.

I can’t test it on a machine.

Mon modèle est actuellement privé car il contient des informations issues du rapport d’analyse sur l’évaluation de mon concept. Ce rapport inclut également des brevets périphériques ainsi qu’un historique de recherche détaillé sur l’EID, basé des sur diverses bases de données (BDD).

Cependant je suis disposé à vous le partager afin d’obtenir votre avis !

Je serai également ravi d’essayer le votre.

I can’t test it on a machine ?

I have been able to conduct several complex simulations on a small scale using my own machine to evaluate the relevance of this concept—over a hundred simulations, to be precise. My GPT includes some of these simulation results, among other data. However, the amount of data related to my concept is becoming too large to fully integrate into my model.
je peux partager des simulations afin que cela puisse être testé sur différentes machines

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You need to boil it down. 1000s of notes = concept but applied = testable model anyone can use. Good luck with your project :rabbit::heart::four_leaf_clover::infinity::repeat:

What is the maths? I didn’t see any.

Imagine une bibliothèque gigantesque où les livres sont rangés sans aucun ordre précis. Vous entrez et demandez un roman de Victor Hugo. Le bibliothécaire vous répond : “Je ne sais pas où il est, bonne chance pour chercher !” Résultat : vous perdez un temps fou à explorer des centaines d’étagères.

Maintenant, cette bibliothèque décide d’utiliser l’EID, une méthode qui permet d’organiser et de faire évoluer l’organisation en fonction de ce qui se passe en temps réel. Voici comment cela changerait tout :

Étape 1 : Une organisation initiale

Au début, la bibliothèque décide de ranger les livres par auteur, car c’est logique et simple. Tous les livres de Victor Hugo sont ensemble, ceux de Jules Verne à côté, etc. Mais cette organisation est fixe et ne s’adapte pas si quelque chose change.

Étape 2 : Adaptation grâce à l’EID

Avec l’EID, la bibliothèque s’adapte constamment en fonction des demandes des visiteurs et des situations. Voici ce qui se passe :

  1. Si Victor Hugo est très demandé…
    Les livres de Victor Hugo sont déplacés près de l’entrée pour que les visiteurs n’aient pas à chercher. Cela évite les files d’attente et rend tout plus efficace. En même temps, les livres d’auteurs moins populaires sont rangés plus loin, pour libérer de l’espace.
  2. Si beaucoup de visiteurs arrivent en même temps…
    Les étagères les plus populaires sont automatiquement doublées (on rajoute plus d’exemplaires à des endroits stratégiques), ou les livres très demandés sont regroupés sur des tables centrales. Résultat : moins de chaos.
  3. Si une nouvelle mode apparaît…
    Imaginez qu’une série Netflix vient de sortir, basée sur un roman ancien. Tout le monde commence à chercher ce livre. Plutôt que de rester dans un coin oublié, ce roman est immédiatement déplacé à un endroit visible. La bibliothèque prédit que cette tendance va durer quelques semaines et ajuste son organisation pour s’y adapter.
  4. Si vous cherchez un livre rare…
    Si quelqu’un demande un livre très spécifique (par exemple, une édition ancienne de Shakespeare), la bibliothèque ne perd pas de temps à fouiller dans toutes les étagères. Grâce à l’EID, elle sait exactement où il est et peut même le préparer à l’avance si une personne l’a déjà réservé.

Étape 3 : Prévisions et organisation évolutive

La bibliothèque, grâce à l’EID, devient intelligente et peut prévoir les besoins. Par exemple :

  • En hiver, elle place les livres sur le tricot, les recettes de soupes et les romans cocooning près de l’entrée.
  • En été, elle met en avant les guides de voyage, les romans légers et les livres sur la randonnée.
  • Si une tempête est annoncée, elle fait en sorte que les livres sur les catastrophes naturelles ou la survie soient faciles à trouver.

Dans une bibliothèque normale, tout reste fixe et rigide. Avec l’EID, tout devient dynamique : les livres bougent, l’organisation évolue, et tout le système s’ajuste en fonction des besoins des visiteurs en temps réel. Cela permet de gagner du temps, d’être plus efficace, et de s’assurer que chaque personne trouve ce qu’elle cherche, même si les demandes changent constamment.

L’EID, c’est comme si la bibliothèque avait une intelligence propre : elle observe, apprend, et modifie son organisation à tout moment pour que tout fonctionne parfaitement, sans effort humain.