I’m sending the same prompt via “chatGPT[.]com” and API “api[.]openai[.]com”
The prompt can be both simple, and very detailed (I tried different).
When I send prompts “from browser”, I get excellent results. When I send the same prompts “via API”, it’s absolutely unbearable quality like “four fingers” or “plastic surgery mistakes” (which never happens “from browser”).
Yes, I tried many options…
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Are you sending to DALLE3 model? Using “vivid” or “natural” style?
Can you share some code you’re using?
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endpoint = "https://api[.]openai[.]com/v1/images/generations"
# Define the request headers
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
# Define the payload with a test prompt
payload = {
"prompt": prompt,
"n": 1, # Number of images to generate
"size": "1024x1024" # Image resolution
Reference Documentation for DALL-E 3 Parameters
Endpoint: OpenAI Images API
still current as of Nov 2024
This table outlines the parameters available and which will require alteration in order to generate images with dall-e-3
Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
prompt | string |
Yes | N/A | A text description of the desired image(s). Maximum length is 4000 characters for DALL-E 3. |
model | string |
No | dall-e-2 |
The model to use for image generation. Set to dall-e-3 to specify this model. |
n | integer |
No | 1 |
The number of images to generate. Only n=1 is supported for DALL-E 3. |
quality | string |
No | standard |
The quality of the generated image. Options are: standard , hd . hd is exclusive to DALL-E 3. |
response_format | string |
No | url |
The format for the returned images. Options: url , b64_json . URLs are valid for 60 minutes. |
size | string |
No | 1024x1024 |
Specifies the size of generated images. Supported sizes for DALL-E 3 are: 1024x1024 , 1792x1024 , 1024x1792 . |
style | string |
No | vivid |
The style of the generated images. Options: vivid , natural . This parameter is exclusive to DALL-E 3. |
user | string |
No | N/A | A unique identifier for the end-user to help monitor and detect abuse. |