Didn't get any proper answer for ALERT! Billing ERROR!

There are many communities out there who is providing lots of services to their user. But one of the 3rd class billing services and live chat support systems I have seen so far is provided by OpenAI. I wanted to buy some credits for my account, and for that, I have filled in all the payment details and things, as soon as I got OPT to my number I was unable to write the OTP in the field so I canceled the payment so I can do payment again. but without putting OTP after some time I got the message that my money had been deducted from my account i was shocked I checked the payment history and all those things in the OpenAI account there was nothing, I checked the transaction details in my bank account application it was showing payment has been sent to OpenAI only. so I have reached out to the live support team. they did not reply to me for 2-3 hours I waited I finally got a reply after 4 hr they asked me for some details about the transaction I sent everything to them and after again waiting for 1 hr I got a response that there is no transaction wow…


There has been a billing error and that is very unfortunate. I feel you here.

But the fraud claim is an exaggeration. It’s not the case that every API customer has to be afraid that their funds will be withdrawn without getting any credits.

We cannot help you with billing issues.
Please report your issue to help.openai.com.

Thank you for your understanding.