Deep Research on PRO account broken o1 and o1-pro (in web version answers via o3-mini, while selecting o1)

Deep Research on PRO account broken o1 and o1-pro.
After today they have added new Deep Research feature:
When selecting o1 or o1-pro model in web-browser it gives answers via o3-mini model (same as Deep Research). You can notice it by behaviour (quality of answers),
and lack of progress bar typical for o1-pro.

happened after trying Deep Research, before this was okay.
Need Fix!

UPD: on Android app o1, hopefully works okay, but I have unupdated app without Deep Research, guess if they add it to Android app and I update it will also broke o1 model

UPD2: Looks like Windows app works okay, so only Web browser version affected


Same, it’s happening for me too.

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reported in discord also, hope they will fix it…

Update: fixed now (checked on o1-pro)
Update 2: again not works

experiencing similar. yesterday i could only get it to start deep research from o3mh sessions, now i cant get them to start from any model-chats, tried switching to chrome, sign in sign out, etc.

Do we need to use gpt4o for web research? I tried one on o1-pro and it was really bad because of the cut off date. i tried another on 4o, but i really had to push it to use recent info.

i have no idea how they can call it ‘research’ if it has a cut off date. research isn’t research unless it’s building on SOTA

any updates on your situation? I’m having the same issues here. Pro user. Deep research doesn’t work with any model, and Pro 01 isn’t thinking, just starts giving text. If I use it with my phone, iOS, it thinks before resonding. But, can’t do deep research on the phone.

Yes, I have some updates:
1stly openai hasnt fixed it yes, I create thread also in Discord - no answers also.
2nd I tested different situations, and investigated 2 methods to work now in o1 and o1-pro :
a) use Windows app (works okay in it) - not like this method, cause only 1 tab possible, very bad for me
b) not always, but from time to time it works normally in cleaned Firefox browser (dunno why), in Chrome not works at all even in clean. In Firefox sometimes also start to bug. I perform short test before start: if o1-pro have progress bar, then no bug for now and I work, if bugged, then I clean cookies in Firefox and re-login (but it also not always helps). Again, in Chrome cleaning cookies in 99% not helps

so if dont help cleaning cookies, only alternative use Android/Windows app for now :frowning:

Can we get a reset on our deep research budget? Cause it’s behaving weirdly imho. I got it to spit out something reasonably decent finally, but still not clear on what’s required.

I’m the same here. I’m very confused. There’s something wrong with the OAIDR-first model choosing not to activate the o3(specific) model to start DR. Human users can not activate DR by choosing the DR bottom

I’m facing the same issue. Tried incognito, clearing browser cookies & cache, and switching browsers and got o1 Pro to kick off a couple of times but it reverts to use o3-mini or 4o-mini. The context window is also reduced for me from 128k to 32k, which is a huge bottleneck.

The only workaround I’ve found out is to initiate / regenerate / change model from the Android ChatGPT app.

The Windows ChatGPT app doesn’t work with o1 or o1 Pro (has the same issue as the web version). Currently signing into the ChatGPT Android app as a consistent workaround.

UPDATE 2/6: The web version seems to be working for me now.

Same issue here, it worked fine all the day but out of the sudden, o1 pro and o1 seemd to be linked to o3-mini and 4o seemd to be linked to 4o-mini.

Yeah, this has been happening to me for the past two days. For some reason, O1 and O1-Pro work properly via the mobile network, but as soon as I switch to a wired connection, it immediately switches to the O3-Mini model. This is so annoying.

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some feedback here: almost 1 week was working fine in Chrome browser, today again started the same: using mini (possible o3-mini or o4-mini), when choosing o1 or o1-pro.
At same time in Firefox browser o1-pro working good (same as in any app). But before this sometimes in Firefox also didnt work, so need check before use…

mac version affected too, as well as ios version, because it works bad for me too

Currently living it’s own life, now works good in Chrome, then 5 min after need use only Firefox (a bit more stable for me), then it fails also, and need use only Windows app. Windows app never fails currently, same as Android app for me.