DALLE3 Gallery for 2023/2024: Share Your Creations

Docs say 4000 characters for Dall-e 3 which is 1000 tokens

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It depends some lines like ###### is one token no matter how many , some words are more than others but yes roughly 1/4th works

Maybe true but from my observations it falls apart after about 250 to 300 tokens

1000 to 1400 total characters

Garbage moon, based on no imagery that actually exists, except maybe at the 16x16 pixel level.

moon by Recraftv3, image metadata is prompt.


It was a lot worse yesterday… moon from yesterday

It is an on going issue…

Not really. They do something, but not in this area…
I think it needs data cleaning, hopefully they work on a filter.

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DALL-E :broken_heart::bomb: Tania :sob:

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What was your prompt? So we can try to recreate it?

Can’t recreate the error

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The maximum token is only theoretical. It depends a lot on the image.
surly you should not have longer prompts, but you will see quality decline before you reach the limits.
It is just about testing it out. I start short and add up.


A black panther gracefully jumping between two rocks in a jungle setting, surrounded by trees and vines, with sunlight filtering through the leaves. Its muscular body and shiny fur are well-defined, and the water of a nearby stream reflects the scene, highlighting the natural beauty of the moment.

I’m starting to firmly believe that my DALL-E is a free spirit and that it hates me hahaha.

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It’s “black panther” marvel owns it…

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Image: A panther gracefully jumping between two rocks in a jungle setting, surrounded by trees and vines, with sunlight filtering through the leaves. Its muscular body and shiny fur are well-defined, and the water of a nearby stream reflects the scene, highlighting the natural beauty of the moment.

A Panther not a ‘Black Panther’


black panther is a block trigger. Basically everything disney related.
change it black puma.


@phyde1001 @Daller damn we good :rabbit::heart::infinity:



I was able to create it by changing panther to puma.
I don’t understand how this can have so many restrictions when it’s just the name of an animal!!
I was… :face_with_monocle::scream::face_with_spiral_eyes: thinking you could… until I saw what you told me and decided to try it. Thanks!!
What a free DALL-E crash course you’re giving me!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


The API seems to have a more “frozen” version of DALL-E, with depictions as one would grow to expect. When you pay-per-use.

Other ways one might actually use the moon in AI images:

Stable Diffusion:




A fantastic image of a large realistic moon, surrounded by a glow and some stars, with two howling wolves in the foreground in front of it, with Native American themes to the style.

Which is the API input allowed – to the rewriting AI.


That’s useful to know I was just setting up to test :slight_smile:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Official 2025 Dall-E Mega Gallery :four_leaf_clover: