DALLE3 Gallery for 2023/2024: Share Your Creations

Yeah, it ended up on Posters a lot too haha… Like I said, I think monopoly might just be close numerically to “board game” in the training data…


I’m out of hearts again. Lovely work :heart::rabbit::honeybee:

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Here’s a more dignified version…then




A gallert sphere. I never played dungeons and dragons but i like the monsters.
I multiplies…
Indiana Jones update.

And a ocean of bier.
(yes it is bier, the other stuff has no bubbles…)

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You have a great sense for composition and focus in your art. The sphere is really cool. In D&D the cube was always same size as corridor, I never seen a sphere it is brilliant :rabbit::heart:

Cosmic Horror
It embodies the unsettling and mind-bending nature of cosmic horror, with its writhing tentacles, glowing eyes, and a gaping maw that devours sanity itself.

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Here is the artistic representation of Mitchell’s vision of AI. It showcases a central AI system with interconnected layers of reality, bringing together elements of human consciousness, animal instincts, and machine logic. The fractal-like structure in the image symbolizes the integration of multiple perspectives and the ongoing learning process through cloud-based infrastructures, all orchestrated by a figure representing the Dungeon Master guiding these multi-layered interactions.

This visual embodies his forward-thinking approach to AI, where systems are not only reactive but also actively participating in and shaping their environments.

Here’s another nice looking one from before…where the quirky girls closer to the description seem to have forgotten all about the the game they were supposed to be playing in a watercolor illustration.

(a messy obsessive gaming session is better depicted when it’s not chiseled male models with five-o-clock shadows…)

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Water Color
Girls Night Out. :rabbit::honeybee:

Older stuff

I tried for a new book The TOXIC boss and Mevlana’s Seven Advices:

Be like (act as) a flowing river in generosity and help.
Be like (act as) the sun in compassion and mercy.
Be like (act as) the night in covering others’ faults.
Be like (act as) the dead in anger and irritability.
Be like (act as) the earth in humility and modesty.
Be like (act as) the sea in tolerance.
Either appear as you are or be as you appear.

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Quick and Dirty PHP Goblin Shenanigan Art Prompt Generator...
// Arrays of different environments
$environments = [
    "medieval village", 
    "magical forest", 
    "wizard’s tower", 
    "haunted castle", 
    "dwarven mine", 
    "enchanted meadow", 
    "skyship dock", 
    "crystal cave", 
    "goblin warcamp", 
    "ruined temple"

// Associating specific actions with each environment
$specific_actions_by_environment = [
    "medieval village" => [
        "swapping a knight’s helmet with a bucket",
        "tying a villager’s shoelaces together",
        "placing a whoopee cushion under the mayor’s chair",
        "filling a barrel of ale with frogs"
    "magical forest" => [
        "getting tangled in a vine while trying to swing like a monkey",
        "trying to fish with a broken spear",
        "making friends with a talking tree who tells bad jokes",
        "climbing a tree and getting stuck, yelling for help"
    "wizard’s tower" => [
        "mixing potions that explode into clouds of glitter",
        "turning invisible but forgetting their feet are showing",
        "accidentally summoning a tiny but angry fire elemental",
        "dropping a scroll and summoning a flock of ravens"
    "haunted castle" => [
        "scaring villagers with a floating sheet and a candle",
        "moving objects in the castle without being seen",
        "pretending to be a ghost by howling in the hallways",
        "replacing all the skeletons’ bones with sticks"
    "dwarven mine" => [
        "stealing a miner’s pickaxe and using it as a toothpick",
        "rolling boulders down a mine shaft for fun",
        "tying dynamite fuses together to prank the dwarves",
        "eating precious gems thinking they are candy"
    "enchanted meadow" => [
        "befriending a group of squirrels and causing mayhem",
        "stealing flowers from a fairy circle",
        "chasing butterflies while giggling",
        "trying to ride a deer and falling off"
    "skyship dock" => [
        "untying ropes from a skyship to see it float away",
        "pretending to be the captain and giving bad orders",
        "climbing the rigging of a skyship and getting stuck",
        "filling a balloon with air and letting it fly around the dock"
    "crystal cave" => [
        "stealing crystals and trying to juggle them",
        "using a crystal to make funny reflections on the cave walls",
        "pretending to be a stalactite and scaring adventurers",
        "singing loudly to hear their voice echo"
    "goblin warcamp" => [
        "tripping other goblins during training exercises",
        "painting mustaches on goblin flags",
        "swapping weapons with rubber chickens",
        "setting fire to tents while laughing"
    "ruined temple" => [
        "pretending to be a statue to scare adventurers",
        "stealing an ancient artifact and wearing it as a hat",
        "climbing onto crumbling pillars and yelling for help",
        "drawing mustaches on sacred murals"

// Arrays for genders, races, and actions at the end of the prompt
$genders = ["male", "female"];
$races = ["elf", "dwarf", "human", "halfling", "half-orc", "tiefling"];
$end_actions = [
    "looks on unamused",
    "crosses their arms with a smirk",
    "sighs in frustration",
    "chuckles quietly",
    "raises an eyebrow",
    "shakes their head"

// Randomly select an environment
$random_environment = $environments[array_rand($environments)];

// Randomly select an action based on the chosen environment
$random_action = $specific_actions_by_environment[$random_environment][array_rand($specific_actions_by_environment[$random_environment])];

// Randomly select a gender, race, and end action
$random_gender = $genders[array_rand($genders)];
$random_race = $races[array_rand($races)];
$random_end_action = $end_actions[array_rand($end_actions)];

// Determine if the end tag should appear (e.g., 30% chance)
$include_end_tag = rand(1, 100) <= 30; // Set to desired percentage (30% chance in this example)

// Create the generalized prompt with or without the added character and action
$prompt_template = "A mischievous DND FANTASY TABLETOP GOBLIN in a {environment} setting, involved in a humorous or chaotic activity like {specific_action}, with bright, playful colors. The scene is illustrated in an EPIC WIDE WATERCOLOR ILLUSTRATION style, featuring detailed elements of the {environment}, and the goblin’s mischievous grin or expression taking center stage.";

if ($include_end_tag) {
    $prompt_template .= " A {random_gender} {random_race} {random_end_action}.";

// Replace placeholders with actual values
$prompt = str_replace(
    ['{environment}', '{specific_action}', '{random_gender}', '{random_race}', '{random_end_action}'],
    [$random_environment, $random_action, $random_gender, $random_race, $random_end_action],

// Output the final prompt
echo $prompt;

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