DALLE3 Gallery for 2023/2024: Share Your Creations

Quick and Dirty PHP Goblin Shenanigan Art Prompt Generator...
// Arrays of different environments
$environments = [
    "medieval village", 
    "magical forest", 
    "wizard’s tower", 
    "haunted castle", 
    "dwarven mine", 
    "enchanted meadow", 
    "skyship dock", 
    "crystal cave", 
    "goblin warcamp", 
    "ruined temple"

// Associating specific actions with each environment
$specific_actions_by_environment = [
    "medieval village" => [
        "swapping a knight’s helmet with a bucket",
        "tying a villager’s shoelaces together",
        "placing a whoopee cushion under the mayor’s chair",
        "filling a barrel of ale with frogs"
    "magical forest" => [
        "getting tangled in a vine while trying to swing like a monkey",
        "trying to fish with a broken spear",
        "making friends with a talking tree who tells bad jokes",
        "climbing a tree and getting stuck, yelling for help"
    "wizard’s tower" => [
        "mixing potions that explode into clouds of glitter",
        "turning invisible but forgetting their feet are showing",
        "accidentally summoning a tiny but angry fire elemental",
        "dropping a scroll and summoning a flock of ravens"
    "haunted castle" => [
        "scaring villagers with a floating sheet and a candle",
        "moving objects in the castle without being seen",
        "pretending to be a ghost by howling in the hallways",
        "replacing all the skeletons’ bones with sticks"
    "dwarven mine" => [
        "stealing a miner’s pickaxe and using it as a toothpick",
        "rolling boulders down a mine shaft for fun",
        "tying dynamite fuses together to prank the dwarves",
        "eating precious gems thinking they are candy"
    "enchanted meadow" => [
        "befriending a group of squirrels and causing mayhem",
        "stealing flowers from a fairy circle",
        "chasing butterflies while giggling",
        "trying to ride a deer and falling off"
    "skyship dock" => [
        "untying ropes from a skyship to see it float away",
        "pretending to be the captain and giving bad orders",
        "climbing the rigging of a skyship and getting stuck",
        "filling a balloon with air and letting it fly around the dock"
    "crystal cave" => [
        "stealing crystals and trying to juggle them",
        "using a crystal to make funny reflections on the cave walls",
        "pretending to be a stalactite and scaring adventurers",
        "singing loudly to hear their voice echo"
    "goblin warcamp" => [
        "tripping other goblins during training exercises",
        "painting mustaches on goblin flags",
        "swapping weapons with rubber chickens",
        "setting fire to tents while laughing"
    "ruined temple" => [
        "pretending to be a statue to scare adventurers",
        "stealing an ancient artifact and wearing it as a hat",
        "climbing onto crumbling pillars and yelling for help",
        "drawing mustaches on sacred murals"

// Arrays for genders, races, and actions at the end of the prompt
$genders = ["male", "female"];
$races = ["elf", "dwarf", "human", "halfling", "half-orc", "tiefling"];
$end_actions = [
    "looks on unamused",
    "crosses their arms with a smirk",
    "sighs in frustration",
    "chuckles quietly",
    "raises an eyebrow",
    "shakes their head"

// Randomly select an environment
$random_environment = $environments[array_rand($environments)];

// Randomly select an action based on the chosen environment
$random_action = $specific_actions_by_environment[$random_environment][array_rand($specific_actions_by_environment[$random_environment])];

// Randomly select a gender, race, and end action
$random_gender = $genders[array_rand($genders)];
$random_race = $races[array_rand($races)];
$random_end_action = $end_actions[array_rand($end_actions)];

// Determine if the end tag should appear (e.g., 30% chance)
$include_end_tag = rand(1, 100) <= 30; // Set to desired percentage (30% chance in this example)

// Create the generalized prompt with or without the added character and action
$prompt_template = "A mischievous DND FANTASY TABLETOP GOBLIN in a {environment} setting, involved in a humorous or chaotic activity like {specific_action}, with bright, playful colors. The scene is illustrated in an EPIC WIDE WATERCOLOR ILLUSTRATION style, featuring detailed elements of the {environment}, and the goblin’s mischievous grin or expression taking center stage.";

if ($include_end_tag) {
    $prompt_template .= " A {random_gender} {random_race} {random_end_action}.";

// Replace placeholders with actual values
$prompt = str_replace(
    ['{environment}', '{specific_action}', '{random_gender}', '{random_race}', '{random_end_action}'],
    [$random_environment, $random_action, $random_gender, $random_race, $random_end_action],

// Output the final prompt
echo $prompt;

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