DALL-E Spirograph Procedural Test

The below is the prompt I entered in an attempt to describe a process and see if it could be extrapolated to the output of the process…

I was wondering if you know what the child toy, a Spirograph, is? If you do not, it is a toy designed in the 1970s (I believe) that had two plastic doors with a circular window with mathematically determined cog grooves such that a molded plastic circular insert with more teeth than there are cog grooves such that each revolution of the internal plastic wheel, the wheel moves such that the teeth walk along the grooves making progress rather than staying in a static position. By placing a piece of paper between the back door and the stencil wheel, a child could press a pen or pencil through one of the holes such that by pressing down and moving the pen against the hole in a spiral manner, you would end up with a progressing spiral of different patterns, depending on shape and size of the hole in the wheel template, that would meet up with itself when all teeth of the wheel have been in each cog groove of the circular grooved window of the front panel of the toy. The child could use different colored pens and different guide holes from different template wheels, to create an awesome circular spiraled design.

I was wondering if you could take this description and try to generate one of the images that could be created by hand with this toy?

This is the output from the first attempt:

I didn’t end up getting where I was trying to go, but I enjoy where the story is going, so I’ll keep updating until I get feedback one way or the other if this is interesting content; I never know. =D

Those are great! The one change you could make that would make them more like the output of the toy, would be to have spirals create perfect circular “plates” of spiral designs that are layered on top of each other from the biggest spiral pattern “plate” on the bottom and the smallest plate showing on top of the overall pattern. The “spiral” aspect should be in the plates and not in the overall design. The overall design should look like stacked circles as opposed to a terminating spiral.

Can you attempt the output again taking this change into consideration?

I like where it went with it, so I’m going to pivot after this response and see if I can use the structure as a basic wireframe for different objects; like a crazy building or new fruit, vegetable or frugetable (I like to screw with GPT to see what it does with funky words).

Again, a great attempt, and the deviation from what I am attempting to get you to is due to a lack of specificity on my part.

Again, start with the concept of layered plates of symmetrically terminating spirals that are stacked largest to smallest, but this time have the center of all the “plates” in the image also be the center of the image such that the overall image looks like a stack of plates on the surface of a table whose surface can be seen as the X & Y axis and the distance above the table the Z axis. With this understanding, create the image such that the center of all the plates have the same X & Y values and whose Z value grows as the circumference of the circle shrinks.