Custom GPT oAuth orange rectangle issue upon redirect

Hello there,
I have this issue where i am doing oauth with azure ad b2c and i have defined my callback url (which is provided by the custom gpt in the action section), my token endpoint my authorize endpoint, scope and secrets.

The issue is that when gpt provides the sign in button i click it and then log in using the oAuth flow, upon redirection i get back to my chat window and a an orange rectangle appears (under url so at the top of the website that covers the whole width) with the value what seems to be the JWT ID token + other metadata like profile or scope and ‘id_token_expires_in’;
and the chatbot inside the conversation has no clue that we redirected back and does not have any info from the /authorize endpoint and it cant call the /token endpoint to get our access token.

What can i do to fix this issue?? And has someone come across this aswell??

Thanks for your help!

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