Create local call to API and feed PDF file to GPT-4

Hi all at GPT-4,

I am wondering if you could assist me in analyzing a PDF file. Specifically, I would like to know how to upload a PDF file into the GPT-4 platform for analysis.

Could you kindly guide me through the steps required to upload a PDF document into the GPT-4 platform, and provide any additional instructions that may be helpful in analyzing the file?

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Sincerely,Dear GPT-4,

I am wondering if you could assist me in analyzing a PDF file. Specifically, I would like to know how to upload a PDF file into the GPT-4 platform for analysis.

Could you kindly guide me through the steps required to create a local API call to the GPT-4 model and upload a PDF document , and provide any additional instructions that may be helpful in analyzing the file?

Thank you for your assistance.

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Hi! I’d like to know if you solved this problem, because i’m trying to do the same using RStudio, but i haven’t found any documentation about it yet.

This may be what you’re looking for:

Note that you can upload a PDF to the files endpoint and then create an assistant to analyze it