Country of invoice origin


we are a company located in Italy and we’re about to start a new project with the APIs. Before inserting our billing information to buy credits, in order to receive the required permissions from our accounting dept, we just want to know from which country the invoices will be issued in our case, tried to search for this information around or asking the support chat but to no avail.

Thanks to whoever will help.


This is the information your account department is likely looking for:

548 Market Street
PMB 97273
San Francisco, California 941045401
United States
EU OSS VAT EU372041333

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Please note that you are entering a business relationship with the OpenAI subsidiary located in Ireland but the invoices are issued by the US entity indicated above.

If you reside within a European Economic Area country or Switzerland, your agreement is with OpenAI Ireland Ltd.


Monthly invoices have been from

548 Market Street
PMB 97273
San Francisco, California 941045401
United States

(this is a shady address with hundreds of corporations)

You do not actually get to be on post-paid monthly billing now unless you are a heavyweight partner where OpenAI would be the one accomodating and calling you instead of the other way around.

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Sorry for asking clarification again, is the EU OSS VAT applicable to companies as well, not only individuals? We never dealt with this one so we’re still trying to figure things out.

Thank you again