At the end of the day you are just calling the model with a bunch of English statements. So you can totally argue that you can skip the step of going through convo but the goal of convo is really to generate that more detailed English description you’d send to the model.
For example… I gave o1 this prompt:
Use convo to create a mobile app for creating generative images. it needs a signup screen, a feed for viewing the images and talking to the assistant, and a gallery for viewing all of the images a user has created. Give everything a modern style and detail how every screen needs to work.
And I got the convo app below out… You can now pass that to the model and have it write the code for each screen one by one. Yes you could have typed all of that as its just english instructions to the model but this saves time. This is just the “design spec” phase of traditional software development.
Section: Styles
Define a style called "ModernButton" with background color "#007AFF", text color white, font size 18, padding 10, and rounded corners.
Define a style called "ModernInput" with border color "#C7C7CC", padding 15, font size 16, border width 1, and rounded corners.
Define a style called "ModernLabel" with font size 16, color "#333333".
Define a style called "ModernTitle" with font size 28, color "#000000", and bold.
Define a style called "ModernImage" with width 100%, height auto, and margin 10.
Define a style called "NavigationBar" with background color white, border color "#C7C7CC", border width 1, and height 50.
Define a style called "TabButton" with font size 16, color "#007AFF", padding 10.
Section: Resources
Define an image called "AppLogo" with the file path "images/app_logo.png".
Section: Signup Screen
Display the "SignupScreen".
In the "SignupScreen":
Display the "AppLogo" image at the top center.
Display "Welcome to GenImage!" applying the "ModernTitle" style and center alignment.
Ask the user for their email address, using an input field styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Email Address".
Ask the user for a password, using a password input field styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Password".
Create a button labeled "Sign Up" applying the "ModernButton" style and center alignment.
When the "Sign Up" button is tapped:
Attempt to create a new user account with the provided email and password.
If that succeeds:
Navigate to the "FeedScreen".
If that fails:
Display an error message "Signup failed. Please try again." applying the "ModernLabel" style and red color.
Create a label "Already have an account? Sign In" applying the "ModernLabel" style and center alignment.
When the label is tapped:
Navigate to the "LoginScreen".
Section: Login Screen
In the "LoginScreen":
Display the "AppLogo" image at the top center.
Display "Welcome Back!" applying the "ModernTitle" style and center alignment.
Ask the user for their email address, using an input field styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Email Address".
Ask the user for their password, using a password input field styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Password".
Create a button labeled "Sign In" applying the "ModernButton" style and center alignment.
When the "Sign In" button is tapped:
Attempt to sign in with the provided email and password.
If that succeeds:
Navigate to the "FeedScreen".
If that fails:
Display an error message "Login failed. Please try again." applying the "ModernLabel" style and red color.
Create a label "Don't have an account? Sign Up" applying the "ModernLabel" style and center alignment.
When the label is tapped:
Navigate to the "SignupScreen".
Section: Feed Screen
In the "FeedScreen":
Display a navigation bar at the bottom applying the "NavigationBar" style.
Create three tab buttons labeled "Feed", "Gallery", and "Assistant" applying the "TabButton" style.
Display a scrollable list of images generated by users, each styled with "ModernImage".
For each image in the feed:
Display the image.
Display the username of the creator applying the "ModernLabel" style.
Create a like button with a heart icon.
When the like button is tapped:
Toggle the like status for the image.
At the top right, create a button with a "+" icon applying the "ModernButton" style.
When the "+" button is tapped:
Navigate to the "ImageGenerationScreen".
Section: Image Generation Screen
In the "ImageGenerationScreen":
Display "Create a Generative Image" applying the "ModernTitle" style and center alignment.
Ask the user to enter a description of the image they want to generate, using an input field styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Describe your image...".
Create a button labeled "Generate Image" applying the "ModernButton" style and center alignment.
When the "Generate Image" button is tapped:
Use the description to generate a new image called "GeneratedImage".
Display a loading indicator while the image is being generated.
When "GeneratedImage" is ready:
Display "GeneratedImage" on the screen styled with "ModernImage".
Create a button labeled "Save to Gallery" applying the "ModernButton" style and center alignment.
When the "Save to Gallery" button is tapped:
Save "GeneratedImage" to the user's gallery.
Display a confirmation message "Image saved to your gallery!" applying the "ModernLabel" style and green color.
Section: Gallery Screen
In the "GalleryScreen":
Display a navigation bar at the bottom applying the "NavigationBar" style.
Create three tab buttons labeled "Feed", "Gallery", and "Assistant" applying the "TabButton" style.
Display a grid of images from the user's gallery, each styled with "ModernImage".
For each image in the gallery:
When the image is tapped:
Navigate to the "ImageDetailScreen" displaying the full-size image.
Section: Image Detail Screen
In the "ImageDetailScreen":
Display the selected image in full size styled with "ModernImage".
Create a button labeled "Delete Image" applying the "ModernButton" style.
When the "Delete Image" button is tapped:
Remove the image from the user's gallery.
Navigate back to the "GalleryScreen".
Section: Assistant Screen
In the "AssistantScreen":
Display a navigation bar at the bottom applying the "NavigationBar" style.
Create three tab buttons labeled "Feed", "Gallery", and "Assistant" applying the "TabButton" style.
Display "Chat with Assistant" applying the "ModernTitle" style and center alignment.
Display a scrollable conversation area showing messages between the user and the assistant, styled with "ModernLabel".
At the bottom, create an input field for the user to type messages, styled with "ModernInput" and placeholder "Type your message...".
Create a button labeled "Send" applying the "ModernButton" style.
When the "Send" button is tapped:
Send the user's message to the assistant.
Display the assistant's response in the conversation area.
Section: Navigation
On any screen, the user can use the navigation bar to switch between "FeedScreen", "GalleryScreen", and "AssistantScreen".
When the "Feed" tab is tapped:
Navigate to the "FeedScreen".
When the "Gallery" tab is tapped:
Navigate to the "GalleryScreen".
When the "Assistant" tab is tapped:
Navigate to the "AssistantScreen".
Section: Authentication
If the user is not logged in:
Always navigate to the "SignupScreen" or "LoginScreen".
Section: Data Handling
All images generated by the user are saved to their personal gallery.
The feed displays images from all users, ordered by the most recent.
Section: Error Handling
If any action fails (e.g., network error, authentication error):
Display an error message in a popup applying the "ModernLabel" style with red color.
Section: Security
Ensure all user data is securely transmitted using encryption and stored safely.
Section: Concurrency
Allow the app to download new images in the background while the user is browsing.
Section: Generative Images
When generating images:
Use the user's description to create a generative image using AI algorithms.
Allow the user to regenerate the image if they are not satisfied.
Section: Notifications
Send push notifications to the user when:
- New images are available in the feed.
- Someone likes their image.
Section: Settings
In the "SettingsScreen":
Allow the user to:
- Edit their profile information.
- Change their password.
- Log out of the app.
Explanation of How Each Screen Works:
Signup Screen:
- Purpose: Allows new users to create an account.
- Components:
- App Logo: Positioned at the top center for branding.
- Welcome Message: “Welcome to GenImage!” using the “ModernTitle” style for emphasis.
- Email and Password Fields: Styled with “ModernInput” and placeholders for guidance.
- Sign Up Button: Centered, uses “ModernButton” style for a modern look.
- Sign In Label: Provides navigation to the login screen.
- Functionality:
- Validates user input and provides feedback if signup fails.
- Navigates to the Feed Screen upon successful signup.
- Error messages are displayed in red to catch the user’s attention.
Login Screen:
- Purpose: Allows existing users to sign in to their account.
- Components:
- Similar layout to the Signup Screen for consistency.
- “Welcome Back!” message to greet returning users.
- Sign In Button: Attempts to authenticate the user.
- Sign Up Label: Redirects new users to the signup process.
- Functionality:
- Authenticates user credentials.
- Error handling for failed login attempts.
Feed Screen:
- Purpose: Main hub where users view images from all users and interact.
- Components:
- Navigation Bar: Persistent at the bottom for easy access to main sections.
- Tab Buttons: “Feed”, “Gallery”, “Assistant” for navigation.
- Image Feed: Scrollable list of images with usernames and like buttons.
- New Image Button: “+” icon to create a new image.
- Functionality:
- Displays images in a modern, clean layout.
- Users can like images, which updates the like status.
- Tapping the “+” button opens the Image Generation Screen.
Image Generation Screen:
- Purpose: Interface for users to create new generative images.
- Components:
- Title: Encourages the user to create an image.
- Description Input Field: Where users enter prompts for image generation.
- Generate Image Button: Initiates the image creation process.
- Generated Image Display: Shows the result to the user.
- Save to Gallery Button: Allows users to save the image.
- Functionality:
- Uses AI to generate images based on user descriptions.
- Provides feedback during the image generation process with a loading indicator.
- Confirms when an image is saved successfully.
Gallery Screen:
- Purpose: Allows users to view all images they have created.
- Components:
- Navigation Bar: Consistent with other screens.
- Image Grid: Displays thumbnails of the user’s images.
- Functionality:
- Tapping an image navigates to the Image Detail Screen.
- Provides a personal collection space for the user.
Image Detail Screen:
- Purpose: Displays a selected image in full size.
- Components:
- Full-Size Image: Shows the image prominently.
- Delete Image Button: Allows the user to remove the image from their gallery.
- Functionality:
- Confirms deletion and updates the gallery accordingly.
Assistant Screen:
- Purpose: Provides a chat interface for users to interact with an assistant.
- Components:
- Navigation Bar: For consistency.
- Chat Title: “Chat with Assistant” centered at the top.
- Conversation Area: Scrollable, displays messages between the user and assistant.
- Message Input Field: For the user to type messages.
- Send Button: Sends the user’s message.
- Functionality:
- Simulates a real-time conversation.
- The assistant can help with app features or provide creative ideas.
- Purpose: Allows users to move between different sections of the app seamlessly.
- Components:
- Navigation Bar and Tabs: Persistent across main screens.
- Functionality:
- Tapping tabs navigates to the corresponding screen.
- Ensures a user-friendly experience.
- Purpose: Ensures only authenticated users can access the main features.
- Functionality:
- Redirects unauthenticated users to sign up or log in.
- Protects user data and app integrity.
Data Handling:
- Purpose: Manages storage and retrieval of user-generated images.
- Functionality:
- Saves images to the user’s gallery securely.
- Updates the feed in real-time with new images.
Error Handling:
- Purpose: Provides feedback to the user when actions fail.
- Functionality:
- Error messages are clear and styled to stand out.
- Guides the user to resolve issues.
- Purpose: Protects user data and privacy.
- Functionality:
- Implements encryption for data transmission.
- Safely stores sensitive information.
- Purpose: Enhances user experience by performing tasks in the background.
- Functionality:
- Downloads new feed images without interrupting user activity.
- Improves app responsiveness.
Generative Images:
- Purpose: Core feature for creating images.
- Functionality:
- Utilizes AI to generate images from text descriptions.
- Allows for creative expression.
- Purpose: Keeps users engaged and informed.
- Functionality:
- Notifies users of new activity relevant to them.
- Can be managed in settings.
Settings Screen:
- Purpose: Provides user control over their account and preferences.
- Components:
- Profile Editing: Update personal information.
- Password Change: Enhance security.
- Logout Option: Ends the session securely.
- Functionality:
- Ensures users have control over their experience.
Modern Style Elements:
- Color Scheme: Utilizes a modern palette with blue accents (#007AFF) for interactive elements.
- Typography: Clean fonts with varying sizes for hierarchy.
- Buttons and Inputs: Rounded corners and adequate padding for a sleek look.
- Layout: Centered content with consistent alignment for readability.
- Icons: Uses universally recognized icons (e.g., heart for like, “+” for new image).
Let me know if you need any further assistance or modifications to the app design.