Is it possible for the code interpreter to provide an array of changes with file name, from line number, to line number, and comments to incorporate in the assistants API. if not possible currently, I am requesting a feature enhancement for the Code API that allows users to get and also specify from_line_num
and end_line_num
parameters when requesting code changes. The API should return the suggested changes for the specified line range, along with the file name, in a structured JSON format. API can request file handles with appropriate folder names in parameters as needed.
For example, json could be like:
filename: "src/app/components/login/LoginComponent.ts",
from_line_num: 20,
end_line_num: 30,
comment: "login adjustments for Microsoft auth",
code: " const handleGoogleLogin = (response) => {
const { tokenId } = response;
// Make API request to your Django backend to log the user in
fetch('http://localhost:8000/accounts/google/login/', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ id_token: tokenId }),
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
console.log('Google Login Success: ', data);
// Handle successful login, store token or user info
.catch(error => {
console.error('Google Login Error: ', error);
const handleMicrosoftLogin = async () => {
// Microsoft login logic is similar...
}; ",