Code from ChatGPT3 to Summarize PDFs in a folder

I tested out the new chat function and asked it “write a python script that will use GPT3 to summarize each PDF document within a folder.”

It returned a script–I am not a programmer–that allowed me to make a nice summarizer that works! I need to now figure out how to batch or chunk the tokens so that I can iterate through more than a small part of only one PDF. See Google Colab

I found something on GitHub that I will try next: #Source for this code is RecursiveSummarizer/ at main · daveshap/RecursiveSummarizer · GitHub on GitHub


hey @cedgewo1 I’ve been working on something that does PDF summarization:

Would be happy to extend it to your requirements if you want to chat :slight_smile:


hi all, this would be an amazing tool. is there a way for me to access it somehow? Best!

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I know this was meant for @cedgewo1, but if you have some time, maybe I could buy you a coffee and chat about expanding on this. I work in software sales and am looking for the ability to summarize some of our documents and assets. I love the idea of this capability and have some ideas about expanding it into a tool like Notion.

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Hi I’m intrigued that these sorts of things don’t seem to now be commonplace. Or are they and am I missing them?