Cli tools and human workflow around creation + configuration of assistants

Apologies if this is the most asked question but not finding many resources, and none up-to-date and specific to my needs.

I’ve been noodling with an app builder powered by the assistants API – thus far setup has been via the openai dashboard + playground with cutting + pasting text prompts + instructions + generated json for tools / functions.

I intend to step up my implementation to a network of task specific assistants and 1 or 2 master assistants which delegate. For this doing things by hand would be a PITA. So I’m seeking command line tools and ideas on human workflow – by workflow I mean I intend to write lots of prompt fragments then compile them into complete instructions tailored for the task each assistant specializes in.

My preference is javascript/node (it’s what I know best), but obviously python is king here so I’ll take that if found. All the command line stuff I found was around completions API which I don’t need – I need assistants API, great it there was file upload API and then integration with thread / run / log API to pull down data for analysis.

Thoughts? thanks a bunch