Advanced voice mode appears to be the only voice mode available now. I STRONGLY prefer the classic mode. Now they have Advanced Voice Mode and it appears to not be optional anymore. I don’t want to use Advanced Voice Mode. I want to use Classic Voice Mode. In that mode, you could prompt the model by voice and it would respond by voice and automatically listen to you once it was done talking. It would give much better, in depth answers. You can still get those better answers, but only by typing now. It’s extremely inconvenient, and slows brainstorming WAY DOWN. And the Advanced Voice mode model, not only cuts itself off if it’s been talking for any meaningful amount of time, but also provides extremely shallow and unhelpful answers, misses nuance, has tiny context window, and generally makes me angry when I’m trying to perform even the most remotely complex tasks. This is absolutely terrible. Bring it back. Don’t make me have to manually hold down on the mic button, then wait for the message to be generated, then hit the read aloud button. There’s now way in hell I’m gonna be able to brainstorm while multitasking with advanced voice mode. I’ve tried.