I’ve been experiencing an issue with ChatGPT where it’s not outputting any code and sometimes gives blank responses. This is happening consistently across different prompts and interactions. I’ve checked for any known issues but haven’t found any solutions.
If anyone else has encountered this problem or has suggestions on how to resolve it, I’d greatly appreciate your input.
It appears to affect all languages and scripting. It seems more like the output is pegging performance of the server in terms of formatting and not so much having to do with the interpretation of the language itself.
Almost, seems like its cache of buffer related, I’m wondering if storage is the concern from GPT side.
Same thing is happening to me. Happened immediately after they updated this new “memory” feature…
Do not include anything with XML in it. Make sure the agent does NOT output any type of XML. This fixed the issue for me. It was trying to write lines for the manifest of my android app, and there is something blocking it from using the angle bracket responses. Once I asked the agent to not use angle brackets in any circumstances, the code printed just fine.
Maybe some sort of security measure they are using which is blocking outputs?