ChatGPT bug (Oct 4): Chat history off = current conversation session getting wiped after short inactivity

Summary created by AI.

Many forum users are experiencing an issue with OpenAI’s model, ChatGPT, wherein the chat conversation auto-deletes after a few minutes of inactivity when the “Chat History is off for this browser” option is enabled (Innovatix, post 1; theraisinet, post 2; ronald.a.haines, post 3; RonaldGRuckus, post 4). This problem frustrates users who want their conversations to persist at least until the 6-hour threshold or until they reload their webpage.

Some believe that OpenAI no longer supports persisting conversations for the full 30 days when chat history is off (theraisinet, post 2)—a change they want to roll back (ryan.a.haines, post 3; RonaldGRuckus, post 4). They are trying to address the issue with TamperMonkey scripts shared on platforms outside the forum (3-4pm, post 20; RonaldGRuckus, post 22; someoneuknow, post 26).

Users have shared their frustration with OpenAI’s response to this issue. They believe that changes were made unannounced to force users to allow data usage for training purposes in order to maintain a functioning chat session, potentially violating GDPR principles. They demand OpenAI issue an official statement to either clarify whether this situation is a bug or a feature, or to announce its plans to fix it (theraisinet, post 15; laszo, post 18).

In contrast, OpenAI’s support suggests enabling chat history to prevent automatic chat closure, but outraged users argue it doesn’t address the problem for those who cannot enable chat history or training due to privacy issues (objmihail2, post 73; laszo, post 46). ChatGPT, when quizzed by very_nice (post 74), explains while opting out of data usage may limit the models’ ability to address specific user cases, it doesn’t mean they will be less effective overall.

Lastly, some users, after a few days, reported that the issue seems to have been fixed (kyle-reese, post 118), while others expressed pessimism about any effective change (RonaldGRuckus, post 85).

Summarized with AI on Nov 30 2023
AI used: gpt-4-32k

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