Chat GPT 3.5 response not generating

When trying to use chat GPT 3.5 today, I come to know that it stopped working and no response is being generated.

Tried to resolve in foloowing ways -

  • Internet connection is working and enough fast to run GPT
  • checked after flushing cookies and site data
  • checked in incognito window
  • checked in different browsers
  • after inspecting the code for page of chatGPT , I see that various XHR URL’s are showing same error - Status Code 403 forbidden
  • also checked the response of these XHR URL’s is - “Please turn JavaScript on and reload the page.” , however Javascript is on for running the web pages.

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I had the same issue, using my Macbook and for GPT-4. My solution was, sadly, to open it in incognito mode. Or use my windows laptop

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