I’m currently using OpenAI for hobby related activities, so I am trying to limit how much money I spend in these actives. I had about 25 dollars in credits, and I’ve just been monitoring the usage.
I wanted to experiment with fine tuning, so I just trained a GPT4 model with a small dataset (roughly 200 entries). That activity took about 20 minutes and burned through my last $10. I’m actually surprised how expensive that was for such a small dataset, but that’s not the point. I added more funds to my account, but I am still completely unable to use the GPT I just fine-tuned to test the results. I’m exercising this from the playground, but any prompt I input just spits back this result:
“You’ve reached your usage limit. See your usage dashboard and billing settings for more details. If you have further questions, please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.”
If I go to the support page, it just feeds me to an AI assistant that has limited selections, none of which seem to apply.
If I go to the billing page, I can see that I have a positive balance. If I go to the limits page, I just see a generic list of limits, and nothing obviously suggesting I shouldn’t be able to use my model.
Any idea what might be going on here, or specifically what I need to do to remedy this. Feeling like I just spent $10 training a model I can’t use (or, perhaps, can’t afford to use for a non-revenue generating hobby).