Boosting ChatGPT's Memory Capacity?

I’m writing to inquire about the possibility of upgrading the memory capacity that ChatGPT can store. This feature is a game changer and has been incredibly beneficial for my workflow. However, I often find myself running out of space and having to delete memories that are important to my work.

Is OpenAI planning to increase the memory capacity soon? Additionally, could this be considered as a paid feature? As a paying subscriber, I see a lot of value in having more memory capacity and believe others would benefit from this as well.

Thank you for any insights you can provide!


Seconding this. Would be happy to pay for additional memory capacity, as well. Just as a note to devs :slight_smile:


Also willing to pay for additional capacity


Same here!

I just ran into the memory limit issue while working on a long-term project, and it’s a bit frustrating.

I’d love to see an option to boost memory capacity, even if it’s a paid feature.

Having more memory would significantly improve the flow of ongoing projects and allow for deeper, more meaningful interactions.

I hope this is something that can be considered in future updates!

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