I try to compare 2 results, from a text translated. You will see the difference (Left - GPT 3.5 and Right - GPT 4)
They are by no means identical. Apart from the fact that none of the translations is very good, it seems that they do not even coincide.
This is a big mistake, not to coincide. I mean, if I tell GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 to consider how much is 5+5, is it correct to give me the result 10 and the other 15?
This is a very big mistake. The results must coincide in both versions. Otherwise you do not know which of them it is true.
I understand that the Pro version is better, but it must be better in the Plugins and Extensions and Integrations. But the results are not allowed to be different.
This is the text I translated:
Printre afectiunile in care acupunctura se dovedeste utila enumeram :
* dureri musculo-osteo-articulare (lombalgii, sciatica, torticolis, [artroza](https://www.cdt-babes.ro/articole/artroza.php) in diferitele ei forme - gonartroza, coxartroza, artroza umarului, spondiloza, dureri de spate, de ceafa, solduri, brate)
* modificari structurale mici de coloana vertebrala ([hernia de disc](https://www.cdt-babes.ro/articole/hernie-de-disc.php) incipienta)
* in sfera digestiva : balonari, arsuri, hiperaciditate, dureri abdominale, constipatie, [diaree](https://www.cdt-babes.ro/articole/gastroenterita_diaree_estivala.php)
* in sfera sistemului nervos : [anxietate](https://www.cdt-babes.ro/articole/anxietatea.php), [insomnie](https://www.cdt-babes.ro/articole/igiena-somnului.php), sindrom neurovegetativ
* tulburari endocrine : dureri menstruale, menstre neregulate, infertilitate
In bolile cronice, acupunctura ajuta prin ameliorarea simptomatologiei, rarirea acutizarilor, reabilitare functionala.