Best Way to Feed SEO Keywords to GPT for Copy Writing?

Hello, I’m new to prompting and to this community. We have company products with certain facts about things like material, construction, as well as features and benefits. I need to have the GPT to write product description, copy and bullet points using only the product data I enter, while targeting the SEO keywords. But I haven’t been successful so far.

I tried feeding the product information thru file retrieval in the assistant, but the AI is not utilizing the file consistently. I also used the playground chat and entered all the product data within the prompt, but the completion skipped over so many details about the product.

I guess my question is, how do I have the GPT laser focus on each product detail while infusing plenty of SEO keywords in each sentence? Do I need to go with the fine-tuning route? What are the best practices for SEO copy writers? Thanks!

If you have a large number of SEO keywords you wish to be included in the output, then you could spend some time producing Q/A pairs where the Answer part includes those keywords scattered around the answer, get a couple of thousand examples and the model will learn the style of the new answers, if your keyword list is fairly short, few hundred words or less you could list them all, comma separated and tell the model you need them sprinkling into the answer in logical ways… be an interesting prompting challenge


Welcome to our growing community.

While you might be able to get GPT-4-Turbo to include some of even all of the keywords, it’s not going to be at densities that you can target, so you’ll still need a human with SEO knowledge to polish it, imho.

Do you have an example of your system and user prompts? What model are you using? Temperature? More details help.

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Hey there, excellent idea! Though we can probably only come up with maybe 100 or so examples. Does fine-tuning the GPT strip off all of its knowledge from the outside? If that’s the case, we might get too many repetitive responses perhaps?

Hey there, the system prompt Im currently using:

"You are a highly skilled SEO copywriter with a background in consumer psychology, persuasive writing and marketing techniques. You appeal to average online consumer, persuading them to make a purchase. You have an in depth understanding and passion for [product]. You get into details about the [product] features and benefits while targeting the SEO keywords naturally. Your description follows this structure: Short and concise, basic language, each sentence is logically built around SEO keywords. Write a copy while following each of the instructions and the facts I give you. Here are the details: "

And then I copy-paste the product attributes and features I created on a spreadsheet. The prompt length is around 2500-3000 characters.

I just use the Gpt4 with the default temperature and top-p. The results are mixbag, it doesnt seem to mention everything about the product. Not sure if i should lower the values. Also the parameters disappear while in the assistant mode for some reason?