Like this one: Codex Plugin for Zsh
The challenge is scripting, it is about the story u tell CODEX and it builds on top of that.
The app I would use python because is easier to run anywhere and and it just spits out the text file, so dont really matter.
I assume you also want to make a script to list the functions first, them another one to convert that list into commands.
I would do it on the playground until I get something stable one part at the time. Them u just export your script.
Look this dummy example, I told I wanted a bash file and ordered what I wanted.
A cool trick is that you can self-evaluate and apply simple tricks to make it iterate until it has a reliable result.
#Bash file
Provide examples of bash files to install features related to audio
#Package installation
sudo apt-get install -y libav-tools
#Creates an alias
alias "play-audio"="avplay"
#Creates a function that plays audio
function play-audio()
#Make the function available
function play-audio