Batch API instability - randomly failing on 403

I’m seeing instable behavior in the batch api, and I’m curious if others are seeing it.

I’ve got a list of ~400 lines that I’m submitting to use 4o-mini. I’ve submitted thousands of requests via batch already with great success. Some time last week, I started seeing around a 90% failure rate with the error Project does not have access to modelgpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18-batch`

Some rows in the file succeed, and they use the same prompt and same model. When I resubmit the same file, different rows succeed/fail.

I’m way under any limits - total spend of $40 this month and I reproed the issue today with 400 lines of input after submitting nothing for 48 hours.

Any ideas? I submitted via the help system but got no response. Maybe Azure will be more stable?