Batch API requests keep falling "failed" after "finalizing" and costing my credits

My batch API requests keep falling “failed” after “finalizing” and costing my credits.

The input file / batch IDs are:

  • file-G89zqaW8VAcWVGeMKSqfk0J0 / batch_rEufQdpMQz7WPVbVr2bSbVTa
  • file-riTaDI2KzG1HvIRUKmCnjwOC / batch_DWbmMQ5U1pboLtsceoTS2MUR

The error message is always:

      "errors": {
        "object": "list",
        "data": [
            "code": "server_error",
            "message": "Sorry, something went wrong. If this issue persists, please contact us through our help center at",
            "param": null,
            "line": null

Could anyone help out how to resolve this?

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The error seems due to that the size of the output file is too big (>5GB). I resolved this by splitting the input file.