Audio Analysis Feature for ChatGPT

Hello OpenAI Team! :wave:
I am a person who is very interested in learning music. I love playing the piano and creating music projects (like mp3 and MIDI files). It would be amazing if ChatGPT could analyze audio files and help with music learning!

Here are a few ways this feature could be useful:
:musical_keyboard: For music learning β€” recognizing notes, chords, and scales from piano recordings.
:headphones: For music projects β€” analyzing mp3 or MIDI files and providing feedback on melodies, harmonies, and structure.
:student: For checking music exercises or providing tips on improving my playing.

Thank you very much for your hard work! I believe many music enthusiasts would love this feature. :musical_note:

This would be super cool!

A couple notes:

  • If you know how to use Python, ChatGPT is really good at helping you write scripts to analyze various qualities of audio!  For example, it’s helped me analyze my vocal recordings using metrics like harmonic richness, spectral bandwidth, harmonic-to-noise ratio, and several more.
  • It’s able to provide feedback on chord progressions if you type out the chords, and you can get more nuanced feedback by describing the instrumentation, tempo, rhythm, etc.  It could probably do something similar for top-line melodies, but that may not be helpful without a sense of timing.