Assistants API - Run queued since yesterday - any workaround?

I’m encountering an issue with a run since yesterday: it has remained stuck in the queued status and hasn’t progressed to another status. Consequently, I’m unable to add new messages to the thread. It was supposed to move to expired status after 10min but it didn’t.

In an attempt to resolve this, I initiated a cancellation of the run few minutes ago. However, it’s now stuck in the “cancelling” status and hasn’t transitioned to “canceled” as expected.

Info about the run :

id = 'run_83h254Y5BZH6cZs7EEtxjwFd'

And when I list the run steps i get :
SyncCursorPage[RunStep](data=[], object='list', first_id=None, last_id=None, has_more=False)

Did anyone face a similar issue and/or can recommend a workaround for addressing this situation in order to discard the bugged run and keep the thread healthy ?

I have a similar problem since yesterday. Cancelling the queued runs only gets them stuck in cancelled. Did you ever get this resolved? Was it oai problem or your code?

Hi @mryod
No unfortunately the run is still “cancelling”… I’m pretty sure this is not a problem with my code, the run has been “cancelling” for months.
It only happened once (in the thread I mentionned), with a thread I only use for testing purpose, so I didn’t spend more time on it. If you still have the problem I would recommend to reach out to openai’s support