Assistant API Thread History Management

I’m encountering issues with preserving conversation history within Assistant API threads. Currently, the API doesn’t seem to automatically store chat history within a thread. I’m looking for guidance on how to effectively manage and maintain conversation history within Assistant API threads.

I found this in Assistant API official documentation -

" Assistants can access persistent Threads. Threads simplify AI application development by storing message history and truncating it when the conversation gets too long for the model’s context length. You create a Thread once, and simply append Messages to it as your users reply."

But its not working as per documentation.

what do you mean it is not working? you cannot see your thread/messages?

To illustrate the issue, consider the following example:

  • User input: “What is the number of customers in France?”
  • Assistant response: “There are currently 12 customers in the dataset.”

Subsequently, when the user asks:

  • User input: “Can you tell me their names also?”
  • Assistant response: “Could you please clarify which specific customers or results you would like the names for?”

I’m facing difficulties preserving conversation history within Assistant API threads. Despite the documentation stating that threads automatically store message history, I’m unable to retrieve or access this history. I’ve tried creating threads and appending messages as instructed, but the expected behavior isn’t occurring.

Are you using custom code or you are in the playground?

Because we will need to see your code to help you.

Sure I can provide my code -
import openai
import os
import pinecone
import time

class Bot:
def init(self, api_key=None, pinecone_api_key=None, index_name=“chat-bot-index”):
self.api_key = api_key or os.environ.get(“API_KEY”)
openai.api_key = self.api_key
self.client = openai.OpenAI(api_key=self.api_key)

    self.pinecone_api_key = "pinecone_api_key  "
    self.index_name = index_name 

    self.pc = pinecone.Pinecone(api_key=self.pinecone_api_key)
    if self.index_name not in self.pc.list_indexes().names():
        print(f"Creating index {self.index_name}...")
        print(f"Index {self.index_name} already exists.")
    self.index = self.pc.Index(self.index_name)

    self.assistant_id = "assistant_id "
    self.thread_id = None

def create_thread(self):
    self.thread = self.client.beta.threads.create()
    self.thread_id =

def create_message(self, user_query, enhanced_content):
    # Construct the prompt content
    prompt_content = (
        f"Based on the following content, generate an SQL query without including database schema or schema descriptions: {enhanced_content}. "
        f"User's query: {user_query}"
    self.message = self.client.beta.threads.messages.create(

def run_assistant(self): = self.client.beta.threads.runs.create(

def is_greeting(self, user_query):
    greetings = [
        "hello", "hi", "hey", "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening", 
        "greetings", "howdy", "what's up", "yo", "namaste", "hola", "bonjour", 
        "hallo", "ciao", "olá", "konnichiwa"
    user_query_lower = user_query.lower().strip()

    # Check if the query is a greeting by comparing against a list of greetings
    return user_query_lower in [greeting.lower() for greeting in greetings]

def get_response(self, user_query):
    start_time = time.time()
    if self.thread_id:
        except openai.OpenAIError:
            # Thread does not exist, create a new one

    if self.is_greeting(user_query):
        greeting_response = f"{user_query.capitalize()}! How can I assist you today with your inquiries?"
        print(f"Greeting response: {greeting_response}")
        return greeting_response, 0, 0, 0, 0
    embedding_response = self.client.embeddings.create(input=user_query, model="text-embedding-3-small")
    embedding =[0].embedding
    print("Embedding created:", embedding)  # Debug print

    matching_results = self.index.query(

    print("Query Results:", matching_results)  # Debug print

    matched_texts = [match.get("metadata", {}).get("text", "") for match in matching_results["matches"]]
    combined_texts = " ".join(matched_texts)
    print("Combined texts:", combined_texts)  # Debug print

    enhanced_content = f"{combined_texts}\n\nUser Input: {user_query}"
    print("Full enhanced content:", enhanced_content)  # Debug print

    # Truncate enhanced_content to 10-20 characters
    #truncated_content = enhanced_content[:20]  # Adjust the slicing as needed
    #print("Truncated content sent to GPT model:", truncated_content)  # Debug print

    self.create_message(user_query, enhanced_content)  # Pass both user query and enhanced content
    self.run_assistant()  # Call without arguments

        while True:
            run = self.client.beta.threads.runs.retrieve(thread_id=self.thread_id,
            if run.status == "completed":
                messages = self.client.beta.threads.messages.list(thread_id=self.thread_id)
                assistant_response = [msg.content[0].text.value for msg in if msg.role == "assistant"]
                chat_history_content = assistant_response[0]
                total_time = time.time() - start_time
                prompt_tokens_used = run.usage.prompt_tokens
                completion_tokens_used = run.usage.completion_tokens
                tokens_used = prompt_tokens_used + completion_tokens_used
                print(f"Chat history content: {chat_history_content}")  # Debug print
                print(f"Total time: {total_time}, Prompt tokens used: {prompt_tokens_used}, Completion tokens used: {completion_tokens_used}, Tokens used: {tokens_used}")  # Debug print
                return chat_history_content, total_time, prompt_tokens_used, completion_tokens_used, tokens_used
    except Exception as e:
        total_time = time.time() - start_time
        print(f"Error occurred: {e}")  # Debug print
        raise e

You need to use the same thread_id to keep conversation history. From the code you shared you seem to be setting the thread_id to None

The line self.thread_id = None in the provided code serves two purposes:

  1. Initializing thread_id : It sets the thread_id attribute of the Bot class to None initially. This indicates that no conversation thread has been created yet.
  2. Checking for existing thread : In the get_response method, the code checks if self.thread_id is None before creating a new thread. This ensures a new thread is only created once, even if get_response is called multiple times.