Are OpenAI credits expiring?

Since dashboard change, I see no warning about credit expiration date. They forgot to put it, they placed it somewhere else or credits are not expiring any more?

Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 08-29-22 OpenAI Platform


I can see the whole point of the new dashboard: obfuscate, confuse, maximize billings with unanticipated charges, remove accountability, and breakage.

ALL credits expire. The initial free credit, three months after account creation. Then purchased ones after a year. There’s no system to even observe that credits are ensured a first-in-first-out so that your expiring credits aren’t the first used.

Lesson: buy credits in intervals like $40.01, $40.02 to identify them against further loss of context.


yea, I really would like to know the expiry date.


Edit: Well that’s obnoxiously well hidden. Service credit terms

Are you sure all credit still expire? I just signed up for the API and funded it, but there is no mention ANYWHERE of credits expiring. I certainly wouldn’t have bought so many credits if I knew they’d expire.


All sales of Services, including sales of prepaid Services, are final. Service Credits are not refundable and expire one year after the date of purchase or issuance if not used, unless otherwise specified at the time of purchase.


Totally agree it’s important to know when credits expire!


While the dashboard doesn’t provide this data one can go to the billing section and look at the purchasing dates to find out how much usage needs to be done and by when. At least the invoice dates are easy to see.

Of course I am assuming a “first purchased, first spend” approach as to how the credits are being used.

Hope this helps!

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Well…thats against EU commerce rules I believe (and yes…companys outside the EU HAVE to play to our rules when dealing with EU-Customers.) Its illegal to have pre-paid credits expire before two years have passed here.


API users enter a business agreement with OpenAI. As business customers the consumer protection rights do usually not apply.

But I am not a lawyer. Just saying that each case needs to be treated with specific regards to the context.

While I’m trying to use the API, it says quota exceeded, which can’t be further from the truth, I have just created new account with a new phone number, and now I can’t as well see if the credits have expired really or what!
Any other way to figure this out guys?

Don’t I have the $5 free credit usage for a new account? Is there no way I can see if they’ve expired, like there used to be that bar thingy?

OpenAI has stopped giving free credits to new accounts a few months ago.

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Oh, okay, then I guess I’ll have to purchase some credits then, right? As there’s 0 free credits at the time…

Yes, 5$ will get you quite far for initial exploration nowadays.


I purchased around $10 of credits with my credit card on September 26 2023. End of September 2024, I suddenly get HTTP 429 errors. I check the dashboard and it says I have -0.01$ in credits. I’m sure I didn’t use more than a few cents in the past year.

Where did my credits go? They must have expired, but there’s absolutely no reference to that. I can’t even look at year-level usage to quickly check that I didn’t use $10 (I clicked through 12 months and yes, I used less than $1).

It’s not fair that OpenAI sets an expiration on credits without clearly informing users. This should be changed.


@anon22939549 Something surprising like this should be stated more clearly that just hidden in separate legal docs no end user/consumer reads anyways. Also the dashboard should make it clearer to see that expiration happened.

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thanks for this, I guess I’ll set up calendar reminders for when some of my tokens expire in a year from now… glad this topic was created, I didn’t know this was a thing, good thing I didn’t put much money in the balance

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